Done Something is wrong with animals (like cow, sheep etc.) - Vanishing

Discussion in 'ST: Ages of the Sky' started by NoAd_pl, Apr 19, 2023.

  1. NoAd_pl

    NoAd_pl Active Member

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    10:54 PM
    I've read some about this that there is limit of 20 or 25 animals in 3x3 block radius

    But i found that placing more than 6 animals in one chunk is problematic - it causes vanishing of all animals, i'm still investigating when it occurs, prepared animal barn in separate chunk.

    It also appears that sometimes when using Shift+rpm pickuping of animals they vanish when putting down.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:54 PM
    We do have a plugin called EntityControl, which limits the number of mobs in a chunk based on the total mobs in a 3x3 chunk area centered around that said chunk. This controls:
    • Amount of Hostile Mobs
    • Amount of Neutral Mobs
    • Total amount of Mobs.
    There is also the vanilla Minecraft mechanic of limiting the total amount of mobs in a world based on the amount of players in the world. (Also known as a "Mob Cap" if you are reading about it online)

    Either of these would be the cause of the mobs not spawning in when placing down animals. For exact numbers I would suggest asking in discord. (I can't find them in the wiki)
  3. NoAd_pl

    NoAd_pl Active Member

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    10:54 PM
    I made more test's

    Puting one animal at serwer restart:


    after putted 7th animal in a chunk


    After additional investigation 3x3 chunk - we have a little lake, when squids/sharks can spawn. But max 3 animals spawn in this lake and not always.

    usually there is only me on server till 6 animals on that chunk they not vanished (not checked lake)

    i will move animals one chunk away to test only animals in 3x3 chunks
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  4. NoAd_pl

    NoAd_pl Active Member

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    10:54 PM
    Form me it looks like fish and squids are included in server spawn limit, and when after chunk loading there are more fish in water they are in higher priority than sheep/cow etc. causing them to despawn.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:54 PM
    Iirc land and water mobs have different/separate caps in vanilla, idk how EntityControl deal with it.

    Also there isnt the command /kit animals avaiable to get spawn eggs for animals?
  6. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

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    2:54 PM
    The command
    /entitycontrol list-near
    should be available to you and can help you determine what is nearby. Sevtech has a lot of problems with mobs despawning due to the age-gating system: mobs from later ages are still there, you just can't see or interact with them. It's really frustrating.
  7. NoAd_pl

    NoAd_pl Active Member

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    10:54 PM
    I tested on separate 5x5 chunk - I cant spawn 3rd chicken,
    /entitycontrol list-near shows 2 chicken.

    It seems that limits is animal based.
    During my tests it shows that:
    Sheeps have limit of 7 - if more after server reset or chunk reload they will vanish.
    Buffalo can be higher than 15 - can't count if there is more, entitycontrol have ~100 sec cooldown.
    Chickens have limit of 2 - cant breed them or use mob imprison tool to release. It not afect spawners/mob duplicators.

    Theese limits are impacted by other animals/mobs f.ex if there is 4 sheeps and i spawn 4 pigs in 3x3 chunk - they will vanish after chunk reload. Also if there will spawn any squid, clownfish etc. it impact animal limit.

    Farming eggs is right now nearly impossible.

    I suggest make on /spawn button that give 1-5 egg's or increase number of possible chickens.

    For my opinin there is need to be some kind of market on spawn that sells items that are limited like wool etc. Money should be some non server impacting resource like gold ingots? Emeralds ?

    Price can be high f. ex 2 gold bars/1 emerald per 1 egg/1 wool etc.

    It will make opportunity to create a system that solve some problems. And bring some fresh air to server.
  8. NoAd_pl

    NoAd_pl Active Member

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    10:54 PM
    After tons of test i confirmed that:

    1. There can be only 7 entities in 3x3chunk
    2. There are animals like Buffalo that can overcome this limit. (didn't found any other)
    3. Chickens are counted after other animals even 1 chicken can vanish if there are for ex 4 sheeps in same 3x3 chunks.

    This causes many problems: Horses from early stages vanishing when some fish/squid spawn in surroundings. also i found that there are places where in overworld wild animals keep spawning on their own it looks like its chunk oriented - sometimes placing some dirt horizontaly can bring us some new wild animals in overworld - so if you have a setup of 7 animals there is a chance that new wild one will spawn in 3x3 area and all will vanish (over 7 animals in 3x3).

    In this situation we have problem that prevents some ppl advance from horses phase to later ages. That is one of points that make ppl leave - searching for horse for nth time again.

    I advice to do same bypass like for buffalos - for horses at least.
    also to maximize our efforts of creating any well working animal farms this respawn of killed animals in overworld should be disabled. (they respawn each server restart for sure).

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