Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by misscatlin1951, Apr 28, 2023.

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  1. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    Unfortunately, it seems that I have crossed lady luck one time too many. My graphics card went out and only will only display no graphic items. I am told that I can get a good graphic card for 258 and change but I do not have that kind of money. As Elvis used to say... misscatlin1951 has left the building. I will show up randomly to read mail as you are the only people I care about, the rest are bill collectors, and I do not need them. Later friends.
  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:28 AM
    Sorry to hear about this. You will definitely be missed. I hope everything goes well for you. If you ever need to talk, we are always here.
  3. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    3:28 PM
    Oh no.

    I hope you can get back on soon.
  4. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    Pop by when you can. Don't be a stranger!

    Hope to see you back soon.
  5. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    This is about all I can do Galatic Science is the only one I have no trouble with but rarely I can get the Single Stoneblock 3 to work,
  6. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    Hey don't run just yet, What was your old video card and have you looked at if you get a 1050 ti or even 1060, 1070 ti, etc used on ebay? If you can find a card that will work in your pc and its under 150.00 please let me know. If you prefer to take this to dm or discord im also on there.
  7. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    Sorry I missed your offer, however what I have is a newly manufactured ATI Radeon 7450 which is a supreme graphic program card as long a the graphics do not display in HD mode. I use a 40" Samsung cause I am half blind in one eye and almost 70% in the other and cant use glasses because they disrtort all vision. That card is rated by ATI as 11 years old! I have searched the e-bay for a 1070 ti and have found several that may be used. I just do not know how you would even get the card to me. I do not work on e-bay much as it requires me to have money that I do not have. I am very hapy that someone has looked at my post... but how would you dfo it?
  8. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM

    I would just paypal you the money for it, Hit me up on the 28th of this month <3
  9. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    O it's also worth checking to make sure your system will be able to handle the upgrade, power requirements, etc. But just make sure please to message me by the 28th :)
  10. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    As far as the power issuesa, I am running an AMD 6 core pocessor with patriot memory. My friend classed a 600 PSU and told me that there was plenty of power for upgrades. I have looked on the internet and I have found several for between 100 and 130 and I have even seen 1080 at less than 150.00 but it was on NewEgg. It wont last long at that price.
    If the cards hold as they are here will be good choosing at $150.00. I was told by the friend that built it that it was a top line system for less than $1000, so I dont think that the power system would rate over 200 watts.
    Even at the power of the system is a low base, there is still plenty of power. I will set up a reminder on my system for the 28 th and then get in touch with you. Many, many thanks because I can also go back to my mod writing for Skyrim SE which I love. I just wish that there were a wy to get paid for what I do cause Pateron just isnt enough. Well Later, and again Many Thanks.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  11. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    That's perfect I would watch out for anything on newegg those are normally scam, fake cards if priced to low. But Once I send the moneys on paypal its all up to you :) If you get a top tier brand like asus, evga, msi 3 fans you likely won't have any issues at all some 2 fans might even work.
  12. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    4:28 PM
    The problem with buying a new graphics card, just like PrimalGenius mentioned is the other components of your computer. You dont need a 1050 or up. Even lesser and older cards can run minecraft since the game is mostly processor based anyways (java and all that). So if it is just for minecraft you can probably get away with a Gtx 950. Get yourself a used one if you have to, there must be some out there.

    Now if you do want to upgrade to something better, its recommended you know a couple of things.
    - What connector is on your motherboard and does that match the new card?
    - How much Watts are the power requirements for said new card?
    - How much Watts can your current PSU provide?
    - What kind of processor/memory do you have.

    If these are dated as well, then these could very well start bottlenecking the performance of anything else even if you do buy a kick-ass-top-of-the-line-graphics-card.
    Also if the PSU wont have enough output for even the baseline use of the new card, then u gotta buy a new PSU. Before you know it you replaced your whole pc due to 1 graphics card
    i know this very well, happened to me 3 years ago ;)

    It would be like putting a nitrous oxide system in an old car. It just wont go any faster even if you add a booster to it.

    I'm an IT tech (hardware/software). If you want me to check your system out remotely with for example TeamViewer, so i can dig up some of those specs for you and help you make an informed choice. Let me know via a reply or PM please.
  13. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    You know, I have been neaning to have some things checked. This all started months ago after I had to purchase a new graphics card because the old one quit after only 5 months. (I now know that I was the victim of a furball attack and there was nothing wrong with my graphic card). I know that I have never had the chops for facilities management, so I stay away from that. I do need a full workup on my sysem so I do not really overspend but still have a kick ass system. I do know that I am operating a AMD Resyen system with 6 core as awas not sppose to be. My system was suppose to be 8 core but a computer company (wich I will not name) sent a reconditioned chip with missing pins amd instead of waiting the estimated time of 3 months to deliver the ststem, my builder went with the 6 core. This is built on the Tuff series MB by ASUS and I have 16 gig Ram memory. If I remember correctly, my power supplly is a 600 watt PS . I do lnow that my video card is a Radeon 7450, which has not had an update in 11 years.
    My wife thought it would be a good card. She did this without me, and I have had problems with it from the get go. This is a unbranded card sold by Amazon from a Koean/Chinese manufacture, again unbranded. Because of necessity, I kept the card and Im still using it.
    This is all that I know except that my previous graphic card is operating 3 large screen crts gor a graphic design shop with no problem, and I was stuck with the pitts.
    Do whatever you feel like you need to just let mr know how close I am to being right. I will say this. My previous graphic card could push Skyrim SE at 53 fps and I have not been able to play since I got this POS card. Let me know what you need and when, and I will make the stem available dor you. Thanks guys... you just dont know how much.
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    4:28 PM
    Sent you a PM ;)
  15. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    4:28 PM
    i just did a quick check for 2nd hand graphics cards in The Netherlands and theres a decent offer here. Several Gtx 1080 cards for abouts 150 euro's. Including shipping, thats gonna be about €170 to purchase and then to ship it to you in the US, probably another 20 or 30. so for €200 i could probably get you a graphics card like that. That converts to about $220 USD.

    However i do not have that kind of money just laying around. So either you of PrimalGenius will have to front the money if interested.

    These pages are in dutch, but you can google translate em:
    Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 G1 Gaming 8GB aangeboden - Vraag & Aanbod - Tweakers
    Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming 11G aangeboden - Vraag & Aanbod - Tweakers

    Those are all 2nd hand and being sold by well reviewed people (as in not selling you a POS). So you can check prices and stuff.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
  16. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    Thanks and I have found several 1080 cards here in the US for less than 150, all in excellent resale shape. The market is getting larger because the top cards are being bought and the used ones are going to EBay to try to recoupe some money. I didnt ralize that an Enteprise Edition of a 1070 could cost upward uf 1800.00 US. I recently saw a computer buster read scrap reseller, sell an 1080 TI Limited edition graphic card for $2380.00 on E-bay. Prices are wild, and I am on now and expect to be on till 2:00 PM Eastern time zone. If you want, you can call me at <REMOVED> before you start your probe. I am very interested to see what an IT Pro has to say about my home built system.
    BTW I am on Stoneblock 3 today, I dont think I will do anything else but that. Later.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2023
  17. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    3:28 PM
    Please do not post your private details on here. I have removed your telephone number.
  18. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    Thanks, I didnt even realize that I had put it in a public post. I am sorry sand I will try to PM him later with the info. I think I went rong with the whole post and I will try to do better during this transition.
  19. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    11:28 AM
    As instructed, I have searched the friendly resellers and have come up with 4 or even more graphic cards that will work in my system. My builder stated that the power requirements for my system running at max is less than 230 wqatts. That leaves the balance of the 600 Watt PSU as over and useable. I have even found a 1980 ti less than 100, but I can assure that it will be gone by now. Most I am finding are 1070 ti that are being sold because of an upgrade, which makes them a little on the cheaper side than the ATI graphics, which is going for premium price. I think thhat the amount that e spoke about should work nicely even if I have to pay for shipping to here. Thanks again, you have been a great assist to getting back up to a full gaming 0system, and I will give you the transfer instructions when you contact me.
  20. PrimalGenius

    PrimalGenius Well-Known Member

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    7:28 AM
    sent you a pm I was looking at the 1070 ti also and it looks like the best bet. I would try and see if you can find a msi, evga, asus are the main brands that are super good.
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