This week on MYM #149

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by dubhnoir, May 1, 2023.

  1. dubhnoir

    dubhnoir Community Coordinator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:22 PM

    Hello Everyone!

    Happy May 1st! Hope you had a lovely bank holiday! (those of you that had one)
    As of now our Direwold20 1.19 server is now open to everyone! Here!

    Monthly Top Voters:

    Congratulations to our top voters for last week, your rewards have been sent off already.

    [​IMG] = LordEreh
    [​IMG]= _WickedHunter_
    [​IMG]= hamster2464
    [​IMG]= cipcssssss
    [​IMG]= calebs1101

    If you would like to learn what the rewards are for being a top weekly, or monthly voter, you can check those out on our Wiki.

    Management Team Announcements:

    Congratulations are in order for multiple people joining the staff team!
    Congrats to dragon87tamer !
    Congrats to Sparedpumpkins !
    Congrats to Redshii both a Junior Moderator and a builder!

    Want to help out on our server? Then join our staff team! You can fill out an application here.

    We are also looking for builders. Each new server gets a custom spawn and would like your help making them and potentially new event builds. Each build you do can gain you a special rank title!
    You can fill out an application for that here.

    Threads to Watch:

    -Server Status Page thread
    -Claim plugin update info

    Admin Corner:

    Below is a list of new changes that our hard working admins have done this week.
    • Fix issues with the Antlion temple from the Erebus mod. Should fully work now.

    Direwolf20 1.19
    • Reduced max Minecolony villagers from 250 to 25
    • Reapplied settings in several config files.
    • Disabled other players access to worn backpacks
    • Fixed how our chat control plugin was regulating certain mods from not functioning
    • Adjusted how our chat control plugin was regulating urls. (More adjustments will be needed)
    • Reduced all Minecolonies settings so low the mod is effectively disabled and useless.
    • Do not waste your time on the mod it will run super slow. If we could remove it we would.
    • Disabled breaking and explosion damage for Lootr chests
    • Removed minecolonies from lootr loot tables. Maybe? Let us know if any still show up please.
    • Attempted to disable a couple weather controlling hexes
    • Fixed some naming conventions
    • Added a mod to help with mob controlling
    • Added a script to clear items off of the ground. (Not fully implemented just yet)
    • Change mob spawn rules: 15 hostile & 15 passive mobs per-player
    • Disable Infinity tools besides the backpack
    • Disabled recipes for most of Thermal's tnt types
    • Disabled recipe for Ars Nouveau Glyph of Explosion
    • World restricted rftools builder
    • Adjusted InControl spawn settings to fix nether spawn issues

    GT: New Horizons
    • Updated to 2.3.0 (changelog) NOTE: The MyM /rt command is currently broken by this update. Please be patient while we determine why.
    • Added scrolling in-game message to let players know that ExtraCells will be changed and to remove anything from those drives as it is changed in future updates

    Project Ozone 3
    • Fixed error in recipe script

    Sevtech Skyblock
    • Removed The Beneath from MyM portal

    Skyfactory 4
    • Fixed not receiving proper gamestages on island start.
    • Fixed Prestige not being awarded


    That’s all for this update, happy gaming~
    iLuxxy likes this.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:22 PM
    Good job me, for best voting this month!
    Also 1st comment on TWoM so no longer, someone will worry about me ;p

    Happy holidays for Polish and Lithuanian MyMers out there! The first constitution in Europe was our joined work!
    Last edited: May 2, 2023

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