Denied Nomifactory | 1.12 | No

Discussion in 'Modpack Suggestions' started by ItsTyrone, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    2:13 PM
    Modpack Name:
    Modpack Description:
    Nomifactory is a quest-driven expert pack focused on building large-scale factories, where you will put your automation skills to the test as you progress from punching trees to creative-in-survival, climbing the power tiers of GregTech: Community Edition (GTCE) and its extension, Shadows of Greg. No complicated magic systems, no forced combat or exploration: Only Factories!

    Sounds daunting? Not to worry!

    While this is an expert pack, we have spared no effort in writing a Quest Book to guide you. Rather than simply being a checklist of stuff to do, it is a veritable encyclopedia of useful knowledge. We believe you can become proficient at this even if you've never used GTCE before!

    Worried about grind and tedium? Fear not, we don't do that here! We have adopted the philosophy "All of the complexity, none of the grind."

    We disable various nerfs to recipes normally imposed by GregTech and skip the steam age entirely, fast-tracking you into GregTech Low Voltage where things get really interesting.
    Particularly punishing mechanics like machine or reactor explosions and radiation are disabled in configs so you don't have to worry about your base disappearing if you make a mistake. You can still burn a few wires or disintegrate machines if you really mess up though.
    The pack can be played entirely in Peaceful mode, so you can relax and build without worry. No need for laggy mob farms!

    Rather than forcing you to hunt down materials in the world, you will quickly gain access to resource generation methods like Deep Mob Learning, Oil Drilling Rigs, and Micro Miners!
    While we keep in the micro-crafting aspects, you will quickly gain access to automation tools like Applied Energistics 2 which are extremely effective when paired with GregTech's automation features!

    Applied Energistics 2 channels are disabled by default so you can expand your crafting system however you like without concern for channels mechanics. If you prefer the added challenge, you can enable them in configs (just make sure to use the same config as everyone else if you're playing on a server).

    We include GTEU / RF power conversion and integrate mods like Thermal Expansion and EnderIO to make power storage, generation, and routing less taxing. Rather than a bunch of redundant machines, we use unique features of each mod.
    Minecraft Version:
    Modpack URL:
    Why Host the Modpack?:
    Nomifactory (similarly to the pack that it is based on, Omnifactory) does a really good job of building an expert pack that uses numerous common and some uncommon mods in creative and unique ways. Its take on Gregtech has often been described as "gregtech but fun" or "gregtech without the grind". It's an extremely well thought-out and structured experience, and fills a niche that exists between the "kitchen sink" mod packs like Project Ozone and full-on gregtech mod packs.

    More than any other pack I can think of, Nomifactory is focused on providing a satisfying experience revolving around creating the most efficient and constantly-expanding factory. Extensive use of mods such as modular machines, microminers, and packaged auto create a fun and unique experience, and the decision to make the creative tank the entry point to end-game for the pack makes the entire end-game play out differently from any other pack.

    When Omnifactory was on MyM, it was a fantastic experience and still holds up as one of the best packs I have played. This revival/spiritual successor would likely draw a lot of players in to try it, if for nothing other than the prospect of "gregtech, but fun".
    Any Potential Modpack Issues?:
    AE2 can be a bit buggy with channels disabled, which is the default config for this pack.
    Should the Modpack be Patron Only?:
  2. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
  3. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:13 PM
    This sounds like OmniFactory, which was vetted for about 2 months till the newness wore off, then not touched by anyone. If they have not changed the basis of the program, it is still an exploration finding goodies, and fighting mobs... we are not talking about a couple of spawners, to clear a floor try a hundred spawners, and the floors went from 35 above ground to as many below. Can you say hard? I loved the pack but I needed assistance every time I had to clear a subfloor cause these were smart zombies. They climbed ladders! But unless a pack is an exceptional pack it quickly loses favor with the masses.
    I hope that they have changed the mechanics of this pack because if they didn't it will be the same as Omni Factory..... A short-lived pack on MYM.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
    Couldn't disagree more. One of the best gt packs out there. And clearing those houses is completely optional. You can clear one house to live there, find an open area to build a base or go to the void directly.

    This pack was actually designed to be played in peaceful. The ceu Version actually forced it to peaceful in hardmode
  5. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:13 PM
    Interesting. Perhaps there is life in Gregtech without the massive mob count. I will have to check this one out myself. Later.
  6. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I grant that the pack can be played in peaceful mode, but only by Experts of the pack. I signed in and took to a building immediately. The first night was very quiet, a little too quite if you take my meaning. The next morning and I was greeted by a friendly spider that wanted to invite me to lunch. No thank you. This was followed by the wolf things after lunch (me!), to be followed by the zombie apocalypses at dinner. I thought the roof might be safe (no where for a mob to hide). I was way wrong as I watched a skeleton rise from the only unlit square and kill me. This was on easy mode. I am not a fighter by nature, and I do not like a peaceful scene interrupted by party crashers.
    I stand by my original assessment. It is a kill or be killed pack as any pack can be played on peaceful mode, its the next level up that can kill you.
  7. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
    If you have mobs, then you did not play on peaceful. Easy is not Peaceful.

    And yes, of course you can set any pack to peaceful, but this pack was explicitly designed to completely work in peaceful, since you can get everything you need without killing a single mob.
  8. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Then I stand corrected. I will try it again at the peaceful level and see what the old master came up with. Thanks
  9. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I'm sorry, but by peaceful do you mean creative? I have searched for a peaceful mode and I cannot find it. There are the standard play modes, and not one of them is peaceful. Please tell an old mad to find Peaceful mode and I will try it out.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:13 PM
    You create a game in survival, then you change the difficulty to peaceful in the Options
  11. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:13 PM
    Well, I didn't even know there was a peaceful mode to the system, except the first one. All right. You caught the old timmer in something he didn't know about this program. Be happy, you are one of the few that have done it. I will have to give it a ttry and see if I can get killed by a mob the first night.
  12. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:13 PM
    For now, I think we are done with 1.12 modpacks. Minecraft 1.12 is old now and is about 7 years old I believe. I don't believe it is in our best interest to go for this version of modpack anymore.

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