Lua help

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Jaytuple, Jun 19, 2023.

  1. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    For ATM 8. I am not good enough at computercraft to figure out a solution to my problem. My RS bridge is to the right side of the advanced computer. I want it to read the number of a specified item, then craft up to a specified amount if it's lower than that. I'm trying to make it so it's easy to add and remove items as necessary. If someone is skilled enough to easily help, it would be greatly appreciated. Bonus points for pastebin.

    Item and Fluid Filters - Advanced Peripherals
    RS Bridge - Advanced Peripherals
  2. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    This isn't a complete answer, but maybe a different way to look at the problem. From what I know of Redstone bridges, their level will depend upon an inventory. So you can restrict the items going into that inventory and then have an idea of the number of things. Still, I think that's also confusing since that level is a percentage based upon the size of the inventory (so 50% full only makes sense if you know there are 16 slots in the inventory, so you calculate you have eight items, and are those items or stacks? Depending on the slot, snowballs, cobblestones, or pickaxes would be different).
    Most inventories, like chests, can be directly accessed and enumerated by computercraft, and using wired modems they don't need to be directly connected to the computer.
    Have you considered just directly enumerating the contents of the inventory to calculate the items and their respective counts?

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