Done Backpack Troubles

Discussion in 'FTB Skies Expert' started by osirisgothra, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:27 PM
    There seems to be a nasty bug that causes backpack contents to be corrupted in some way during a restart, in the most recent incident, the diamond backpack which was full of all sorts of items (not backpacks or drives). This is the 5th time this has happened. Along with this I have also had these things happen:

    * Only half the items disappear
    * Items that disappear are replaced with a duplicate of some (but not all) of the items that were there
    * Items are replaced with generic unusable versions (because they had metadata)
    * Items that were in the player inventory are now in the backpack, and the backpack contents are gone

    Happens with Diamond backpacks with or without the everlasting/feeding upgrades, color has been customized in some cases, but I don't think any of that matters.

    Luckily, I am far enough along in the game that I didn't suffer TOO much, well actually it still means I have to remake EVERYTHING that was in it.

    The chances of this happening seem to go up when the backpack is open at the time of the restart -- though I only did that 2 times, after that I made sure never to have it open anywhere near a restart. We often get caught up in what we are doing and miss the little pink notice at the bottom of the screen especially when we aren't chatting (for others, they might be on minetogether).

    Not sure if anything can be actually done about the problem itself, but if this affects others, I'd like to know. If it is a big enough problem we might consider warning new users. The questline (and the loot table :) ) get us using backpacks, so it isn't like we go out of our way to get them. I am going to go back to my old standby, the ender pouch since the item could be lost and it wouldn't matter.
  2. Mimifan

    Mimifan Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:27 PM
    Hello osirisgothra

    As this seems to be happening often and reguarding the fact that moderators would have to farm for a backpack and wait for a restart to have that to happen I will tag @Senior Moderator so they will be able to take a look or bump it to Admins if they judge that they only are able to do that.

    Have a great day/night
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:27 PM
    Which backpacks?
  4. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

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    Local Time:
    10:27 PM
    Sounds like the backpacks from Sophisticated Backpacks
  5. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:27 PM
    That mod is notorious for deleting things from backpacks and causing numerous issues.

    In-fact lots of other networks have it banned/disabled or have a warning attached.

    Not sure we can fix this.
  6. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:27 PM
    I was just looking through the reported issues on the mod and I'm glad I haven't had any issues so far since I've first used them in DW20 and now in ATM8. Hope it stays that way.
  7. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:27 PM
    This was fixed a while back.

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