Done A bug but not sure if it is worth ticketing

Discussion in 'Project Ozone 3' started by osirisgothra, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:02 AM
    Encountered this weird issue:

    Note Jetpack Energy Just Above This Sentence.

    Note the Chestplate Armor Slot

    The jetpack overcharges itself under these conditions:
    -Resonant Jetpack with fuel efficiency XIII enchantment
    -Resonant Capacitor (in bauble slot) charging mode ALL
    -Resonant Capacitor Has "Holding IV" enchantment
    -Player must be flying + sprinting (holding the sprint key) OR Player must be in midflight with spacebar (ascend) button held PLUS the sneak button held (usually for placing blocks mid air, onto things that would activate when not sneaking, i.e. a chest, machine, etc.)

    There may be other conditions that I am not aware of, so far biome, time of day, lag, inventory items (other than jetpack and cap), baubles, etc. do NOT change this behavior as far as I can see except the vanilla shield (and other shields) seem to interfere with this under certain circumstances I am not fully sure about yet.

    This happens when using a jetpack and flying while sprinting for the speed boost. It seems to be related to resonant flux capacitors overcharging when Fuel Efficiency is installed ---- it will go away if any item is accessed that scans the armor slots (back to 100%) -- for clarity sake, it does NOT dupe power, you have to actually HAVE the power in the capacitors or wireless charger for this to happen. Power is never acquired out of thin air though it may appear that way!

    Because you still have to create the energy through legit means, and the fact that it goes away once you access any inventory that uses the armor slot, I am not so sure that the ticket should be filed. Mainly because I can't think of any way this could possibly help a person as you have to have the at least fuel efficiency XIII enchant to see this happening.

    I might not get back to this right away, but if I need to submit a ticket, let me know or whatnot, I'll try to check back here in a couple days.

    hope that is helpful enough! bye!
    SovereignEternal and ViesSPR like this.
  2. Mimifan

    Mimifan Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:02 AM
    Hello osirisgothra

    Sorry for making you wait all this time, I can't really say if my higher ups checked on that and fixed the issue so just in case I will go ahead and ask a @Senior Moderator to answer if it is a fixed thing or still an issue.

    Have a nice day/night

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