Done Immserive engineering corrupted chunk?

Discussion in 'Divine Journey 2' started by Luna_Morningstar, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Luna_Morningstar

    Luna_Morningstar Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:32 AM
    So 3 people, including myself, have been unable to access divine journey 2 after entering a chunk that seems to have corrupted and will crash anyone who gets near it starting at 2:06pm EST
    the location is Block location: World: (44,73,-1580), Chunk: (at 12,4,4 in 2,-99; contains blocks 32,0,-1584 to 47,255,-1569), Region: (0,-4; contains chunks 0,-128 to 31,-97, blocks 0,0,-2048 to 511,255,-1537)
    i have posted in support but it has resulted in SirPuli, Nick_Morningstar and myself unable to log in and an instant crash

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  2. Luna_Morningstar

    Luna_Morningstar Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:32 AM
    I tried joining from the hub even and it just crashes

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