Done Game crashing immediately as I spawn in.

Discussion in 'All of the Mods 9' started by GratefulFern827, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. GratefulFern827

    GratefulFern827 Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:05 PM
    I've tried making a ticket for this in skyfactory 4 because I can't load onto the AllTheMods9 Node 1 server (or any of the MYM servers without this happening), but I keep crashing whenever I load the server. The last thing that happened before I crashed was that I was falling through the overworld (I don't know why) at my base. I have no clue why it was happening or what is causing it.

    Also the mod that has upgrades for the backpacks (I believe sophisticated backpacks or storage) I had an anvil upgrade in it and was using it to enchant my sword, until it wouldn't let me open my backpack anymore until it eventually did which it would then crash my game everytime I would try to open the upgrade slot (in the backpack) to retrieve my sword. Honestly I'm not sure if I can get my sword back since it in an anvil upgrade for the backpack but if this also can get looked at, it would be greatly appreciated!
  2. GratefulFern827

    GratefulFern827 Member

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    Local Time:
    7:05 PM
    Well I finally fixed my game in which it lets me into the server again. The bug I was mentioning is probably with just the item I have in the anvil upgrade from sophisticated backpacks. Not sure if any staff will eventually take a look at it, but just be wary of what you enchant in the anvil upgrade from sophisticated backpacks.
  3. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    1:05 AM
    Hi GratefulFern,

    Glad you've managed to get back into the game. Sophisticated Backpacks has quite a few bugs which are hard to solve. I'll check in SP/MP if I can reproduce your issue and if the issue is a serverside thing. As I might be unable to reproduce your issue, I'd appreciate if you could send us a crash log that we could take a look at.
  4. GratefulFern827

    GratefulFern827 Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:05 PM
    For sending the crash-report log is there any way in particular to go about sending it, or would I just upload the file to this forum as I do not have a discord account?
  5. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:05 PM
    Linking it here is fine

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