Open atm9n2 client sided modlist | 1.19 | No

Discussion in 'Modpack Suggestions' started by ultranium, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    Modpack Name:
    atm9n2 client sided modlist
    Modpack Description:
    this is the client sided modlist I'm using right now. It's fully working with atm9n2 server. No X-Ray or cheating mods. Just QOL mods for better gaming.
    Minecraft Version:
    Modpack URL:
    Why Host the Modpack?:
    get it yourself from curseforge
    Any Potential Modpack Issues?:
    might use a lot memory. I'm not sure how well it'll work for you cause my computer has 64G memory and it's sparky.
    Should the Modpack be Patron Only?:
  2. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    When you upgrade from 0248 to 0251 for example, here is what I did:
    1. download a new version client (e.g. 0251) from curseforge from polymc
    2. run 0251 client in polymc to download new mods and init the pack
    3. rename 0248/mods folder to 0248/mods2 folder
    4. move 0251/mods folder to 0248/mods
    5. copy 0248/mods2 to 0248/mods on top of it. if it ask about overwrite, just choose skip all (0.20.1 can support multiple versions of same mod. It'll just use the newer ones)
    6. run 0248 client as if it's 0251 client and sign in to multiplayer to see if everything works
    7. all job done and happy gaming

    From 0251 onward, you also need to copy over /minecraft/kubejs folder from 0251 to 0248. Just rename the old one and copy over the new one.

    If you follow this, you should be able to keep all the keybinds and customized configs across upgrades.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  3. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    And... it's verison 1.20.1, not 1.19. It's just not in the choice list.
    This is not a modpack, just a list of mods I use for client side only. It's fully working since I'm playing on this right now.
    BTW, it will install forge-fabric for you so you will run both forge mods and fabric mods
    It also supports nvidium since I'm using nvidia display card. There is a fix for crashing upfront if you please follow this:

    Edit 2: SOLVED! After about 3 hours of just random messing about I have found a way to do it.

    What you will need:

    Embeddium (Curseforge),

    Sinytra Connector (Curseforge),

    Forgified Fabric API (Curseforge),

    Nvidium (Modrinth)


    Install the mods listed above

    Start the modpack and once you crash just exit. (This is so that Sinytra Connector gets to create the necessary files)

    Go into the modpack folder and navigate into the "config" folder. There you will have to do 2 things.

    Open the connector_global_mod_aliases.json and replace its contents with this:
    "version": 1,
    "aliases": {
    "cloth_config": "cloth-config2",
    "playeranimator": "player-animator",
    "embeddium": ["sodium"]
    This will tell create an alias for embeddium called "sodium". This basically just tells nvidium that embeddium and sodium are the same thing.

    Create a file called "fabric_loader_dependencies.json" and paste this into it:
    "version": 1,
    "sodium": "IGNORED"
    "sodium": "*"
    This will do 2 things. First it will remove all meta data of nvidiums sodium dependencies. However this makes it so that Sinytra Connector cannot locate the mod file. So we have to make another dependency for sodium that accepts anything, bypassing the version check that would otherwise appear and crash the game.

    Start the modpack and have fun!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  4. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    Tell me if you like it or should add some other mods to the pack.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
  5. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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  6. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Just out of curiosity why do you have both forge and fabric versions of some mods in the mod list
  7. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    Hi, KatieMC.
    I used both fabric and forge mod together. This was originally forge only with only forge type of mods. But then when I had both version together later as I installed connector.jar, they fully work still. I realized that if I do this, with connector.jar, it will use fabric version. But without connector.jar, fabric mods won't be loaded automatically and forge version will take over. I'm certain it works for most mods. If you find it not working somehow, you can remove either fabric or forge variant and see if that helps. Although I have yet to encounter anything like that.
  8. ultranium

    ultranium Well-Known Member

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    As an extra, I use patrix resourcepack and shader.
    Patrix is a very photo realistic shader. It consists patrix resourcepack files and a SEUS PTGI shader.
    This is a youtube video showcasing the shader:

    This is the official download link for resourcepack and shader:
    Patrix Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19 | Texture Packs
    SEUS / Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders 1.20 / 1.19 | Shader Pack for Minecraft
    I'm only using 32x free version as 128x require monthly subscription

    This download link contains files I used in my atm9n2 client.
    It also contains an edited version resourcepack disabling "enable connected grass" texture.

    This is all the other shaders I'm currently using:

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