Info ATM9 Server 1 and Server 3 Shutdown

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by BetaPetey, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    Local Time:
    7:34 PM
    When we first started hosting the ATM9 servers, it got so popular that we needed to add two more. Now that things have calmed down, we need to consolidate, and we’ll be shutting down two servers so we can bring in new and exciting modpacks for everyone to enjoy. Based on the poll on Discord, Server 2 had the most votes, so we’ll be keeping that one.

    Shutdown Dates:
    • Server 1: 6/24
    • Server 3: 6/24
    If you would like a world download or your player data transferred to Server 2, please create a ticket. Also if you have any modpack suggestions feel free to post them here or on Discord.
    sp33draft and SparedPumpkins like this.
  2. DesatKorun

    DesatKorun New Member

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    12:34 AM
    hi i'm from germany, i'm new and i have no idea what to do for Player data transfer. i already join this forum and on discord but, my english is not the best, what must i do next? must i create a ticken in World download for player data transfer or is there another option where i must open a ticket. and what kind of stuff can be transfered? and what kind can not. can structures be transfered?
  3. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    7:34 PM
    To transfer your player data to Server 2, please create a ticket on Discord under General Support. In the Description/Issue box, indicate that you want your player data to be transferred to Server 2.

    If you prefer to continue playing in singleplayer, you can request a world download instead on Discord through a ticket.

    Note that the player data transfer mainly involves your inventory. Therefore, it’s recommended that you pack everything you need from your base into your inventory, as we will not be transferring bases.
  4. Luna_Morningstar

    Luna_Morningstar Well-Known Member

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    5:34 PM
    is there going to be anything done about the large amount of abandoned bases from people who either finished or abandoned the pack?
  5. DesatKorun

    DesatKorun New Member

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    12:34 AM
    The player inventory is pretty small for that. What options do I have to pack as much as possible into my inventory? I've already noticed that Shulkers work, but unfortunately I'm far from that as I'm still fairly new to MC. Sophisticated Backpacks don't seem to work either because of the UUID. What other options do I have?
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I don't know what options are available on the pack, and obviously you have to be careful putting storage into storage, but when it comes to getting some options that you don't have yet, I am sure there are people on the server that can help you out.
  7. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    7:34 PM
    If you report it in a ticket with the coords to the base we can regenerate the area if the player hasn’t been on the server more than 2 weeks. Usually this would be done automatically on the older servers but currently it’s not an option on the newer ones.
  8. Welchhyyyy

    Welchhyyyy New Member

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    11:34 PM
    Anyway you can check to see if you can regen our area on Server 3? We've only been on there for around a week
  9. credomane

    credomane Member

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    6:34 PM
    The only people I've seen online on ATM Node 1 have either already moved and/or just started right before this announcement was made. So I don't think anyone left on the server has access to shulker boxes. Which so far seem to be the most reliable option?

    Also, speaking of the shutdown announcement. Any plans on a MOTD for Node1 & 3? If my buddy hasn't happened to randomly check the forums Monday evening we'd have had no idea this was even happening until we went to join and everything was already gone.

    So far these mods are what I've learned about their transfer-ability:

    Refined Storage is a NO.
    Sophisticated Backpacks is a NO.
    Sophisticated Storage is a NO.

    Traveler's Backpacks are most likely a YES (see edit below) and fully upgraded they are only a standard double chest in size. My base barely fits into 5 diamond sophisticated backpacks with one of them having 2 diamond tier stack upgrades. I'd need like 20+ diamond traveler's backpacks to take everything before taking in the loss of the stack upgrades. And that's assuming this mod's items will actually transfer. My friend and I don't have the resources to make that many anyways as he also has an inventory of stuff to bring.

    Shulker Box are a YES or so I keep being told. However, they are only a single chest in size. we wouldn't even have the inventory space for the number of shulkers we'd need. Let alone that we have no method to even make a single one.

    So what are we to do?

    I poked around in single player. Traveler's backpacks appear to store the contained items inside the NBT data of the backpack item. So in theory Traveler's backpack's inventory should transfer with the rest of the player's inventory. Where as refined storage, and the two sophisticated mods instead keep a UUID in the item's NBT that then links to an entry in a completely separate all-in-one file unique to the mod which causes there to be no way to get just a single player's data out.

    I'm not sure how much larger diamond sohpisticated backpacks are compared to traveler's diamond one but this is gonna be interesting to try and store everything. Though my friend is feeling pretty defeated atm with having to "start over" and the difficulties of just getting moved to the other server in general.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
  10. Willshaper

    Willshaper Well-Known Member

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    12:34 AM
    For instances like this, there should just be free items for transfer provided at spawn or something.

    An infinite drawer with backpacks/whatever that are able to transfer stuff.
  11. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    7:34 PM

    Sophisticated Backpacks might work but it's probably best to use shulkers instead. If anyone can’t get the proper means to store their items when they make a ticket for their player data transfer they can ask for shulkers to store their items. I’ll give them as many shulkers as they need.

    As for the shutdown notice it was also announced on Discord. That’s why it’s important to have the proper roles on Discord for either announcements or the modpack so that in situations like this you’re aware of what’s going on as the roles are pinged on Discord.
  12. Crazyspender

    Crazyspender Well-Known Member

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    12:34 AM
    I hope that the server Node2 will then get more memory and space...
    because earlier with 6 players online it lagged now and then, not even slightly.
    and now the server ist Full (18/18), and i cant connect.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  13. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    7:34 PM
    The server has enough memory to run without any issues. If there’s lag it needs to be reported so it can be addressed as it’s usually because of players causing it. As for the amount of players it’s the weekend so expect more players to be online. Usually during the weekdays there’s not as many on. As of right now when I just checked there were only 11 players on the server.
  14. Crazyspender

    Crazyspender Well-Known Member

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    12:34 AM
    but on the weekend, the server was full at certain times and people were "complaining" about discord

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