Implemented Random TP complaint.

Discussion in 'Crash Landing' started by Thelehpwnage, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    I've been playing this server for about, say, two weeks. Give or take. Today, the 22nd, I decided to go scavenging a city. The one city I've been scavenging actually, or so I thought...

    I didn't realize that every time you enter through your portal, you're taken to a totally DIFFERENT area. (I've only been in my portal two times, the second being today. Everything look basically the same.)

    As I thought the portal kept bringing me to the same city, I started to scavenge it, and, sadly, I was blown up by a creeper. I thought it was no big deal, just gotta go reclaim my items.

    I was then brought back, and I ran towards my death point... Which then another town appeared, the same one, I thought. I was thinking 'is that death point glitching or something? It looks rather far far away.'

    Turns out that it was most likely thousands of blocks away, and you see no marker after 999 blocks.
    (Reminder) I'm not used to this packs' minimap. I thought it was Rei's, not Zan's. As I was looking in this town for my stuff, I got rampaged by blazes which made me overheat. Lovely, right? My brain boiled. Awesome.

    GG Deathpoint. GG items. #ThanksRandomTPYouScrewedMe

    I hate it. I hate it a lot. If I want to randomly tp anywhere to a city, I can use the command provided. Not keeping the portal to a fixed location sucks... Like, why? There's commands you can use EASILY to randomly tp. Why should the portal have to do it also? I lost a LOT of necessary items. It kinda ruined my experience for the modpack itself. I've gotten so damn far (Pardon my language) but now I can't get back to it. No iron, no axe, no mattock, no shears to get leaves for water, no camel pack, no water bottles (Empty or filled) GG tools, armor, camelpacks, various things like diamonds and invar, flux pickaxe, jetpack, Good food, etc.

    I got so far, and now I'm basically about to loose it all. I have to hop in my portal when I have to die so I don't end my island. Just because of random tp.

    And all of this would have not happened if the portal stayed in a single, fixed position.

    I ran this by some people on the server. One said 'Well, what happens if you get killed my swarming mobs near your portals location?'

    Answer to that is, 'You can actually get your items back doing that. They're not forever lost as they're right next to your portal, and not in some random town 12,000 blocks away.'

    To the staff members: Please, can you do something about this? I'm begging you. The portals need a fixed location. Because, if you die on the way to getting your items back, you're screwed.

    On another note: If you could help on retrieving my items, please tell me. Even just getting a new camel pack and a few bottles of water could really help. I have a general idea of where the items MAY be, but, I'm not sure.

    -Thelehpwnage (Farmer rank)
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    That is just to make a balance as you can die multiple times in the city without loosing your land or any clone. With that you have a chance that you can no longer find your items but a other player could find them and they have a treasure.
  3. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    I just find it unfair. I would've been more cautious if there was a warning stating that the portal tp's you randomly. As is, I think there still should be a fixed portal. Since I didn't know about the random TP, I carried on. Warnings about these things should be stated. Because, I brought more stuff than I would've if I had known about the portal's ability to tp you randomly all the time.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It already shows it in the chat if you enter the nether...
  5. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    Odd. I never, ever have seen it. And that is something I would notice. I keep a close eye on the chat.
  6. DirtyDave30

    DirtyDave30 Well-Known Member

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    you can make the death point range larger than 1000 blocks, and use the /rt to teleport until you re close to your original death point and hopefully recover your belongings. I personally like the early grind of crashlanding. It might be frustrating but it is the work around that mym has come up with to work in the citys for the server. It actually works really well when you understand the risks of going to the citys.

    Loosing your things is never fun, but its the point of the pack, to be a challenge, to make you grind your way through
  7. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    Just I don't think I can ever really recover my items. Not because they're lost, but, rather, I have no camel pack. For some larger stroke of bad luck, I have no rotten flesh to make into leather. Camel packs are a necessity.

    I get the point of everyone who has posted- It makes sense. I understand why the RTP.

    And, I suppose everything I lost if I can't refind it, can be made fairly easily again. (Sorry if I sounded like a dick in my post, I just was a bit infuriated with the items and such.)
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    @Thelehpwnage If you go into the options for the minimap included with the pack, you can increase the death points to a larger number then one. I usually put it on unlimited. I also set it to an unlimited render distance for the waypoints to be shown.

    Sadly, this will only create waypoints for deaths that happen from here on now, and not for any previous deaths.

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