Digital Miner Configuration Guide

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Superkaze, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. Superkaze

    Superkaze Well-Known Member

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    Some people on the Discord have been asking about setting up the Digital Miner filters. I'm going to make a tutorial about it.

    This is the GUI for the Digital Miner in Sevtech: Ages.


    There's some differences in this pack specifically: The DM can only be used in space due to the special rules of Age related block revealing, so, we're going to use it on Kepler22b just to show you how to set up the filters.

    The miner's initial menu has a few options. R: Replace. This will replace blocks mined with another block in the inventory of the miner. S: Silk Touch. This will mine blocks with silk touch but costs more energy/tick. A: Auto-Eject. This will eject items into an inventory attached to one of the miner's item interfaces (Top or Back of the miner). P: Pull. This will pull blocks into the miner's inventory from an inventory attached to one of the miner's item interfaces. Pull is commonly used if you're replacing mined blocks with another block.

    Clicking Config, we get a menu that looks like this:


    As you can see I have 15 Targeted Filters. 14 are Item Stack filters. One is an OreDict filter. Here you can set the work Radius (max 32 blocks) and the work vertical. I have the vertical set to everything for 1.12 packs. Modern packs can be set to -63 to 512 or something like that... I don't exactly know. The button in the lower left Inverts the filters, which I have set to 'Off' because I only want what's been filtered.

    2: Filtering

    Clicking 'New Filter' Brings up this menu:


    These are your 'filter by' options. Now let's dive into them.

    ItemStack is what you'll be using if you want a specific ore AND you have that ore in silk touched form in your inventory like this:


    You insert the ore in the upper left slot, then hit Save. This will filter out everything except diamond ore.

    OreDict lets you filter by an ore dictionary entry. F3+H will display advanced tooltips on items in JEI so that you can see what the ore dictionary entry is. Continuing with the example of Diamond Ore:


    As you can see, oreDiamond is the entry for Diamond Ore from Minecraft and Abyssalcraft. To set the filter type oreDiamond in the box next to the checkmark, click the checkmark to set the key, then click save.

    These two filter types cover like... 95% of what you'll be using the digital miner for. The Material filter is, I THINK, to configure the material for the replace function... but I've never used it due to MYM resetting dimensions. You never have to worry about leaving holes in the worlds in which you use the miner.

    The final filter, Mod ID, is also rarely used. I wasn't able to get it to work on Sevtech even for an example, and after entering several Mod IDs just gave up on it.

    I hope this helps someone. I'll link this post in the Discord.
    Cantiel likes this.

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