INFINITY EVOLVED: Forestry Bee Breeding Tree

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Dekatater, Nov 28, 2024.

  1. Dekatater

    Dekatater Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:06 PM
    Hello! I've been absent a long time, but when I was active, I used a site ( that showed all the available bees in Infinity evolved and made a tree that made it easy to follow long breeding chains. The site went offline sometime around 2020, and way back machine broke the page when it was archived, not saving the bee info at all. So I rebuilt the whole thing from scratch, and got a copy of the original code from the original creator, tehlemming, to rebuild their site for archival. I now host those pages at Bee Lineage Tree (new version, way better and infinity evolved centric) and Lemming's Test Site (old version, list is only suitable for FTB Ultimate)

    I hope this isn't against any advertisement rules, I don't run ads or tracking or anything on this site and it's going to cost me money to keep running, which I've come to terms with. I'm mainly making this post because I have no idea if anyone else in the world needs this and I'm really proud of it :)
    Kazeodori likes this.
  2. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

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    9:06 PM
    IMO there's no issue with your website as there is no advertising of other MC networks. The advertising part in our rules is solely for other networks/harmful/certain websites.

    I might have actually used that website back in the day, super nice to see it back. It surely will be helpful to others! Thanks for the good looking project.
  3. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    4:06 PM
    I mean it's not like NEI/JEI shows all the possible breeding outcomes and their chances or anything...

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