Found already that it happed so here i post some info. Server: Crashlanding 1 Player: Fousicek(Owner of Island) At least two clones Completed. New Island created. Please could you copy back my island ? Thx
I was flying on glider folowed by cartographer to get the map done. Then sudenly i fall down like i moved my glider from bar. After i died i showed up next to my grave so i broked it. And Nothing happend, i could not pick up any block, write in chat, not even hit ESC button. So i ALT F4 then restared MC and connected to server. I Showed at that spot, but Island didnt load. After some time it showed me respawn menu so i clicked respawn, And Showd in Lobby so i went to my portal CL1 then i was at the spawn, I thought ok so ill use /is home did not worked. Told me You dont have an island. I had one player invited on my island Ewelis, but he doesnt play much. Dont know if andre770 was invited thought. But i play alone. They both dont play , Only if i tell them to come to have a few clicks on shell constrocturs. I died at my Island . near the borders, but inside . In some of the cornes don remeber exatly which one. Co ordnates of my old island. -9311,60, -15580 Using map writer mod.[DOUBLEPOST=1414099876,1414007564][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm did i say something wrong ?
Sorry but we don't refund if you loose the island because of the Sync mod. I think your chunk with the shell was not loaded. Make sure to have a chunk loader there if you go far away from your center.
Just pointing out. Done - Lost land | MineYourMind Community Done - lost my island | MineYourMind Community Done - Lost My Island | MineYourMind Community I think it is not that hard, If i gave to the co or. And i spend a lot of time on it. I am going away until tuesday. So i will not be able to answer quickly.[DOUBLEPOST=1414503530,1414127356][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok i am back. So what is the result ? I was not in the game yet.
Hello Fousicek, Sirwilli is currently on Holiday, so he won't be able to reply until he gets back sorry!
Hmm, I ll be playing from scratch so you dont need to copy the island or anything else. It was very wierd for me, when i saw other topic(or posts) where it was solved y copying an island to a new one. But if i loose an island again because of same problem, id be happy if i could get a some help with the problem. Thx anyway, I ll do everything i can to set the constrckotr propely. PS: I hope that it is not a strategy to wait and see if ill start playing again. Thx
That was because they lost the island when we changed something which created a bug and instantly deleted the islands after a death.