Hello Grand_Trizmo / Wispcraft Here I know about HQM having the fatal 1024 Flaw, but i have played on the agrarian skies server and whenever parties went down they had it working within the day. On CL it has been down for about a week. I know that to some this doesnt even matter, but to some it is turning them away from the server when they join and they cant make a party with their friends so they go elsewhere to play. A few times this past week i have talked to admins and mods all of which said that it would be fixed right away one even said that it would be fixed the next morning (today). I feel that this is a complete failure on parts of your staff team communicating properly and it needs to be addressed. I know that resetting the file loses progress for people, but it also takes a few minutes to really catch yourself back up to where you were before. And to all the people who complain about it taking resources and whatnot, it also gives you generally much better rewards then what you put in for the quest anyways, so there is really no point in the community complaining once it gets reset because they had to redo 10 quests and gain a bunch of cool things again. Thanks Trizmo
Hello Trizmo, unfortunately this be fixed until the @Founder 's are back from their holiday, which should be tomorrow. (Fingers crossed) It's been a very hectic week without them, but as soon as they get back, Sirwilli will most probably get straight onto that, so please be patient for the next few days!
yes it still exists and your staff told me allweek about it being fixed next day and it still isnt -trizmo
No, specifically we said this can't be fixed until Slind14/Sirwilli get back from their holiday. (I was told they were back November 1st, but they came back the 2nd) Now Sirwilli is back, he can fix it.
did i say that you said it? it was someone else on staff. i dont want to be pointing names getting people in trouble, but yes you had told me they would be back the first or second which i believed and i wated for this post was about the other times i was told wednesday i think -trizmo