Minecraft completely crashed while fighting a wither, when I died and was half way transtered to my sync clone. I am uncertain of the cause. Upon loging back in, it had me with the dead screen instead of alive, and only option of respawn showing, istead of me being in my nice clone all safe. I have been kicked from Demonicat's island and as you can understand, it's quite frustrating. Deminica666 is likely to be miffed at this too. when she logs back in.... Any way of restoring it, or is the past month gone? Sincrerly, AlexisRoger.
Lolz, I wondered. When I came on I was at airport and had to restart island, but the weird part is that where it put the new island is where the old island was. I know this because the tip end of the great railway Alexis made for my trading post is still there just outside the area. Hey Alexis, I restarted the island and sent you an invite.
sure, just um... give me a walkthrough of where the file would be. Windows 8 kills me sometimes Thanks Demi. Sorry about the lovely house... this time Lets build up mostly, so we can have an awesome elevator complex in a skyscraper? Dig to bedrock near the ship, and we can put the elevator pads down there?
> MyM launcher (Assuming you're using it) > Crashlanding (from the MyM launcher, right click it) > View folder > Crashlanding > Crash reports
I dont see one for the correct date, but I do have a bunch for CL in general it seems. I'll just upload them all for you.
Found a new item clear lag removes. Active about to detonate TNT (for making compressed iron) not too bad, as its cheap but it was amusing seing it vanish after runnning for cover.
Happy to help! Btw, I had my (very) tall Pneumaticraft elevator removed due to apparent lag (perfectly reasonable), and was wondering... is it just a size issue? Do you think you'll add it to the ban list, or limit the number stacked on top of each other a bit like OB tank issues? I admit, having 16 bases to extend all 78 blocks of our home was rather tall, but I really really hate the aesthetics of the OB lifts. I want an elevator, that actually elevates. I wouldnt mind building 4-5 individual smaller ones if I can avoid the utterly rediculous teleport mechanics of the OB elevators, assuming that wouldn't impact the server... Any chance a few experiments could be done with them for us?
*sighs* Anoying. They teleport hence I didnt make them. I'd rather walk for 5 minutes, than use the darn thing. Its why I spent over 200 compressed iron making the other kind.
MMMM, may need to add Slimes to clear monsters. I keep clearing them out of our basement, it is lit up. Yet tons keep spawning. I end up with 6 stacks of slimeballs and an average of 23 levels each time. We think that we are in a slime spawning chunk.
agreed. No place for them to spawn with half slabs on the whole area, as well as lighting, they still appear. I agree they could do with being added to "clearlag". Its just random luck we're in this chunk. I'm not surprised it hasnt come up for anyone else before. Off to Swansea, back in 10 hrs!