Hi, dont know if it is meant to be that way. But in Some recipies i have to use normal glass from minecraft and i cant use clear glass or any other that vanila one. Like in SFM i can use clear glass i have to use vanila glass. Dont know if it is a issue or just some config. Thx
And i think it is also a golden chest upgrade. and upgrades from iron chest. i think all of them. That is not question for me probably, BookTheGeek.
Not sure what pack you are on but the random things glass takes the place of the vanilla in Monster and everything works good there.
I'm wondering why no one reported it yet to us. If there is no way to get normal glass I think one simple recipe to turn the mod glass into a vanilla minecraft (1:1) would be the best. -> In case it still exists and isn't overwritten by the mod.
The odd part about the random things glass in monster is it took the place of vanilla glass in both ID and useage, not sure why glass wouldn't share that across other mods seeing as its just cooked sand and shoud register as a vanilla substitute in some form.
I've been working on it, But the issue with that particular fix is the mod glass changes into other modded glass when crafted by itself. I cant seem to get the modded glass added into the ore dictionary for glass. If I can't get it tonight, Ill send you what I got and let a wiser head take a look at it. Because in monster the recipes were modified to make it so. I'm working on getting it to work here also.