D.I.E.(An MyM Original)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SilentBane, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Update 12/12:
    Good day Modded MC Community and MyMions! Today marks the official launch of D.I.E. Public Beta! The time is now! Those of you who got a head-start, try to stay ahead of the curve before you get swallowed up by the darkness of Death! Insane amounts of quests have been added and will continue to be added throughout Beta, can you Master TFC before the next update?

    Significant increased difficulty in early game. 200+ Quests (currently 93, will be updated continually through beta) to help learn new mods and experience known mods in a new light. Mod integration by Charles and CBro, rewriting recipes, new oreDict entries and changes to value of items (Vanilla cobblestone is endgame, what?!). Brings back the fear of darkness from early MC, making shelters 100% absolutely necessary. A complete rebalance of fighting. An absolute overhaul of vanilla systems, including, health, food, hydration, sanity, physics, water mechanics, mining, encumbrance, storage/inventories, you name it. Everything is significantly more satisfying to accomplish, even gathering sticks to make torches (which has another complete overhaul). My only advice going into this pack is you need to forget everything you know about Minecraft and start unbiased. Mobs will act differently, they can hear you through walls and track you from what seems to be forever away. No punching trees anymore! Gravity and caveins are possible. You won't have the health you had in other modpacks, and the mobs reflect those balance changes. Endgame is truly rewarding! No more plugging up a quarry hooked up to an infinite power cycle any more, there is nothing that is infinite, but there are fun loopholes to exploit and feel powerful and good about. Be the first one to find a new one! This modpack is like NOTHING you have ever seen before, remove all expectation because you will be surprised by everything. This is not Minecraft anymore, this is D.I.E.

    In the Technic Launcher: Click "Add Pack" and insert:
    Public Server IP: die.mineyourmind.net ; die.mym.li


    Change Log o.9.5j Changelog
    Updated TFC (15 FINALLY!)
    Updated AE2
    Updated Automagy
    Updated CodeChicken
    Updated CoFH
    Updated Electrical Age
    Updated Enviromine
    Updated Extra Utilities
    Updated Immibis Core
    Updated Immibis Microblocks
    Updated Infernal Mobs
    Updated Jabba
    Updated Meteors
    Updated Mob Properties
    Updated Progressive Automation
    Updated Random Things
    Updated Red Logic
    Updated Secret Rooms
    Updated TConstruct
    Updated Thaumcraft
    Added Ships
    Removed AppleCore
    Removed Spice of Life
    Removed Special Mobs
    Removed WAILA Harvest

    0.9.1 Changelog (Beta 2, SP Stability focused)

    ADDED Lantern Mod
    ADDED/FIXED tons of Quests
    UPDATED TFC to 79.15 (2 builds ahead)
    UPDATED Automagy to 17.1
    UPDATED Balanced Exchange to 3.0.2
    UPDATED Enviromine to 1.3.80
    UPDATED ExtraCells to 2.2.25b45
    UPDATED Jabba to 1.2.0a
    UPDATED NEI to (not the newest, but most stable newer)
    UPDATED RedLogic to 59.1.6
    UPDATED Thaumcraft to 4.2.3 (pretty big update, lots of changes and fixes)
    UPDATED Waila Harvest to 1.1.1
    UPDATED Backpacks by Brad to 3.0.2

    Lots of recipe changes, too many to list
    Lots of balance changes
    TONS of SP stability fixes, primary focus this build.
    -Added recipes to SP
    -Added balance jsons to SP
    0.9.0 Changelog (Public Beta)
    Disabled Wither Tools and Resources
    Fixed WAILA Heart issue upon death
    Nerffed Portable Radar
    Nerffed Bloodmoon Chance
    Tweaked Inv Tweaks
    Invasion Mob Balancing
    Buffed Research Points cap
    Added PortalLink

    Configs combed again, complete rework
    Lots of nerfs and changes, too many to list

    Updated: Automagy to 0.15
    Updated: Baubles to
    Updated: Progressive Automation to 1.5.6
    Updated: Simple Fluid Tanks to
    Added: Tick Profiler
    ((Attempt to add: Opis))
    Added: FastCraft for client compile

    Added EndGame TFC (blacksmithing, metals:tiers and alloys)
    Added more challenge quests
    Added D.I.E. Mastery 'reputation'
    Added initial loot table for reward bags

    0.8.9 Changelog (Pre-Beta)

    Officially out of Alpha

    Decided the name D.I.E: Death Is Expected

    Added 90% of the rest of the Mob Buffs/Mob Property changes
    Added 90% of the rest of Thaumcraft Aspects

    Too many to list, tons of mod 'inter-weaving'

    Updated: TerraFirmaCraft
    Updated: Applied Energistics 2
    Updated: Baubles
    Updated: Enviromine
    Updated: Falling Meteors
    Updated: NEI
    Updated: Progressive Automation
    Updated: Random Things
    Updated: Automagy
    Added: Invasion Mod
    Added: Rei Minimap (possibly temp)
    Removed: Animals+
    Removed: Improved Mob Spawn
    Removed: Hunger Overhaul

    0.8.6 Changelog

    Updated Enviromine again (forge incompatibility issue)

    0.8.5 Changelog:

    Turned down Armored Skellies for testing
    Disabled Chandeliers
    Disabled Enviromine Elevators
    Disabled Progressive Automation Planter
    Disabled Enviromine Insanity
    Buffed Thaumcraft research
    Disabled Node Generation
    Enabled Amulet Dispense Modes
    Reduced Meteors further
    Disabled Infernal Mob "Choking" prefix to stop random "Drowning" deaths
    SOLVED TFC HOE ISSUE! UGH! Only took half a day and some from Charles'...

    Started Thaum aspect scripting for TFC Entities
    -Animals+ Done
    Started end game Mob scripting for Balance
    -Thaumcraft mobs, done

    Buffed all of Progressive Automation
    Lots Vanilla recipes converted (please let me know when you hit your first vanilla mat needed**)

    Updated: Enviromine
    Updated: Extra Utilitites
    Updated: TerraFirmaCraft (two builds ahead)
    Updated: TFC NEI compatibility
    Updated: ExtraCells 2
    Updated: RedLogic
    Added: TC Mob Aspects (yet to script in TFC mobs, next compile should have it)
    Added: Thaumcraft NEI Compatibility (only unlocked if researched)
    Added: Automagy
    Added Animals+ (Testing, not confirmed)
    Removed: Opis, maybe temporary (it's out of date for the current Forge build)

    probably more that I am forgetting. (sorry)

    .8 Changelog:

    -Disabled Enviromine Thirst
    -Removed Gamma Lock (immediately reverted)
    -Lessened Meteor Chance
    -Halved meteor shield size to stop crashing
    -Meteors only fall at night now
    -Turned fast leaf decay off to help stop crashes (didn't work, stay away from those 2x2 trees)
    -Nerfed power generation
    -Disabled AE2 Chest Loot
    -Disabled AE2 Portable Cell (Dupe bug)
    -Disabled Waila Hearts (still shows up on death, will fix)

    -Removed Nether Ores
    -Removed Lava Monsters
    -Removed Hardcore Ender Expansion
    -Removed Deadly World
    -Added Extra Utilities
    -Enabled HQM for 1.7 testing, (success) disabled until Beta.

    .7 Alpha Release (see Mod List for changes in build to .7)

    Version 0-.7 Idea and create (pen and paper mostly)
    -Modpack planning
    -Mod research
    -Config building
    -Mod Compatibility testing
    -Initial config changes

    Applied Energistics 2algorithmX2   
    Balanced ExchangeBrad16840   
    Chicken Corechicken_bones   
    CoFHCoreTeam CoFH   
    Dimensional AnchorsImmbis   
    Electrical AgeDolu 1990   
    Extra CellsLeonelf   
    Extra UtilitiesRWtema   
    Familiars pitman87   
    Iguana Tweaksiguana_man   
    Immibis coreImmbis   
    Immibis MicroblocksImmbis   
    Infernal MobsAtomicStryker   
    Invasion ModLieu   
    Inventory TweaksKobata   
    Magical Experiencewuppy21   
    Mine Tweaker 3StanH   
    Mob PropertiesFatherToast   
    Mod TweakerjoshieSpitefulFox  
    Nodal MechanicsShukaro   
    Not Enough Itemschick_bones   
    Open Eye    
    Progressive AutomationVanhal   
    Random Thingslumien   
    Red Logicimmbis   
    Secret Rooms ModAbrarSyed   
    Simple Fluid TanksZarathul   
    Special MobsFatherToast   
    Spice of Lifesqueek502   
    Stalker CreeperAtomicStryker   
    TFC NEI PluginDries007  
    Thaumcraft Mob AspectsIguana_Man  
    Thaumcraft NEI PluginDjGiannuzz   
    TIC Tooltipssqueek502   
    Tinker's Constructboni   
    Update Checker Mod AtomicStryker   
    Waila Harvestabilitysqueek502   
    Zombie AwarenessCorosus   

    Do you like D.I.E. and want to contribute to the future success of C&C as well as help the community of D.I.E.? Make sure to check out the Community Tiers below! Donate here:

    On D.I.E we believe in an equal chance for everybody, that being said we think that the community as a whole should be rewarded instead of the individual, hence our community donation tiers. Community goals and rewards are listed below:

    Tier 1 - $100
    • 2 Jabba barrels (1 time kit)
    • 2 Torches, 10 Stones, 5 Sticks (repeatable kit)
    Tier 2 - $250
    • 8 Camouflage Paste (1 time kit)
    • 3 Claystone Blocks (repeatable kit)
    • Ability to Create Alliances Between Clans
    Tier 3 - $500
    • Increase torch burn time by 24 hrs
    • Mini-Map Support Added
    Tier 4 - $1000
    • /clan home added
    • 3 spawn eggs of each passive animal(repeatable weekly)
    Tier 5 - $2500
    • Custom Clan Capes designed by the Clan Leader
    • Get a Second /home
    Tier 6 - $5000
    • We will create a very custom Economy to the Server
    • Ability to use /home (/sethome, as a 3rd home) in the farmworld
    Tier 7 - $10000
    • Top Donor will get the opportunity to work with the creators to pick a new mod to be added
    • Add the highly requested ComputerCraft

    Top Donor will also receive a GOLD name in chat to recognize your contributions, which will be ever changing. If there is a new Top Donor, the old one will lose his Gold Status and the new Top Donor will hold the crown.

    When the community reaches a tier goal the entire community will unlock the rewards, Here's the catch; 30 days after the Last Donation, the rewards will be reset.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2015
    julio1237878 and Thurrunn like this.
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:09 PM
    IGN: Crhymez
    Skype: Crhymez-pc (i prefer Teamspeak)

    Im like a typing Mod wiki, there are very few mods i don't know. I also have a great understanding of "balance" when it comes to packs.
    I have played other hardcore packs like Blood n Bones,UHS, EpicCraft and Madpack.

    Can you PM me the pack download. Also is there a Test server for this?
    I see TFC, been a few months since i tried it, this should be fun.[DOUBLEPOST=1416008193,1415999587][/DOUBLEPOST]All i can say is Just Wow....
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    @chugga_fan I dare you to try getting to endgame in this pack as fast as you do in most others! :p
    cbrozak and Mijikai like this.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:09 PM
    I have played MANY hardcore pack.... this pack makes those look easy. Its almost hard to a stupid level.....lol[DOUBLEPOST=1416009518,1416009037][/DOUBLEPOST]Do we discuss the pack here?
  5. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    12:09 PM
    you are more than welcome to discuss the pack here :) Glad we made it hard enough for you Crhymez the point was to make it so hard that only true committed players would stick around and keep trying
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    lemme get the rest of my team on this, and i can > : D @AlphaRue @Kaze509 @888leoj me and my team are the PERFECT people to break the modpack, if you know my skills on monster you KNOW i can break any pack i like >:D all the names listed here are the IGNS and my IGN is chugga_fan, please message me how to get the pack and the server IP, and though i don't have skype i can use forum messages to tell you guys about it, and scince chaos challenged me to this i assume i can get it without it just because the admins know about my breaking modpack skillz xD (@Administrator @Founder do you agree with this statement?) usually btw by myself i go by slooooooooowwwly, but once i hit endgame it's like no problem
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:09 PM
    only problem i see is compatibility with a lot of the mods you have. I played TFC a while back. The point is not to die since you lose you "skills".
    TFC already is a overhaul with the way mobs spawn ( longer you live in an area less that spawn), your hunger and the food your player like "which is based on your name and the seed".
    I feel this pack has way to many mods that dont compliment TFC. i will do some research tomorrow and go over the mod list.
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    > : D let's do this LEROYYYYYYYYYY JENKINSSSSS[DOUBLEPOST=1416011531,1416011317][/DOUBLEPOST]
    the IP isn't there[DOUBLEPOST=1416011752][/DOUBLEPOST]i LOVE the start screen music, actually makes me want to listen to it :p and btw looking at this this is actually INSANELY hard, nice job on the challenge, but depending on what mod i tackle first, i could be endgame in a few HOURS, gl stopping me >:D
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    5:09 PM
    Sorry, it's delta.mym.li:25550 (temporary)
  11. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I'll add the IP next compile, sorry about that.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    thanks after we move out of the alpha stage, scince i'm beginning to have trouble launching this pack on technic launcher, can you guys add the pack to the 3rd party section of the FTB launcher or something like that?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  13. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Once it's out of Alpha we will put it on our Launcher (it's not now because we aren't 100% on the mod list yet, but we are getting close)

    What seems to be the issue with the technic launcher? (It won't ever go on FTB, so you know in advance)[DOUBLEPOST=1416023846,1416023634][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I don't think you quite understand what we are looking for. Just to clarify, right now we are testing for bugs/glitches/expoits. We have the idea of the modpack that will never get fully implemented until official release. So all we need to do is focus on finding holes in the progression, exploiting a resource, finding ways around the obvious but difficult progression and trying to crash the server, and I mean with unknown crashes then working with us to find out the cause so we can avoid that later down the road with the best solutions. We thank you for your help but criticism on the idea isn't what we need since the idea won't be revealed until final release.
  14. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    7:09 PM
    ooooh tfc yes!
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    idk .-. it won't launch the game
  16. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    7:09 PM
    it launches for me
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    i know leo, it's strange, it's like me and the mym launcher, it just won't work .-.
  18. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    7:09 PM
    why not make it a private pack on ftb?
  19. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    7:09 PM
    firstly, what version of java are u using, secondly, what system (windows,mac,linux
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:09 PM
    i figured it out, it can't REACH the data for some strange reason, even though it's in appdata

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