Done Machines Stopped Working

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by BaxMax, Nov 15, 2014.

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  1. BaxMax

    BaxMax New Member

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    12:18 PM
    hey there.

    All of my Machines and Powergens Stopped working. i had to remove the cables and replace the machines to make them work again.
  2. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Yes i was investigating in that problem for about 2 days now.
    It seems to be caused very often by chunkloaders but not always. Even vanilla furnaces sometimes stops to function.

    What exactly happens
    1) Ender IO Fluid Conduit and Energy Conduit arent able to transport fluids.
    2) Machines which produces Energy or which process them does have problems. You have to break and place it again, so it can work properly.
    3) Also very often, machines which stand next to each other, stop transfering energy to each other.



    This Harvest was stuck at Idle time at 3/5.
    Even after breaking and placing it, it was stuck, because the Generator, was full, but not able to give the Energy to the Harvester. I had to break it and place it again, then all worked. I am trying now different cables, and have problems to solve the problem. Investigating now for days trying to find the problem and a solution for it. A hint was always the chunkloader. But not just the Spotloader from chickenchunk, was the problem. My cables and fluid conduits "lost" their connections even in the same chunk as the enderquarry. There was not spotloader in it. After a restart, it is beginning to work again. After i visit my Enderquarry again, it stops working.

    Its very hard to reproduce it, and it is very hard to find a solution on my side. Trying to switch to other cables helped a bit, but maybe its just an illusion.
  3. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Same happend to me, i just re-placed them too.
  4. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    Same happened to me multiple times now, yesterday and today i had to replace alot of stuf, i dont think it is a problem of a certain block or mod.
    It happens for all of my stuff, ender io machines, TE machines, all types of conduits, transfer nodes.
    All stops working after a certain ammount of time and has to be completely replaced, not only the conduits, also the machines seem buggy.
    They show full buffer, but dont do anything.
    I guess it`s a plugin issue, on my testserver without any plugins i never expirienced such issues, and also admin friends of mine on whitelist servers that dont use plugins dont have issues like that. Mabye somebody has a idea of what it can be..

    The only thing that always works is Tesseracts.
  5. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Yes for me too, And for @Saimiris too. It happened in the last 20 minutes something. I dont know when it happened exactly but a few min ago all machines and engines stopped. It seems to be globally for alll players at the same time?

    Tinkers contruct, vanilla furnace, mfr machines, ender io machines. Its like all the machines, cables and conduits are affected by that.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  6. Jeffrey2365

    Jeffrey2365 Member

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    1:18 PM
    I have been getting this bug too. What happens? When i use ChickenChunks chunk loader(as we know it's not stable too) it like works for 5h and then KABOOM when i am online. All stops chunk loading. It's like when the player isn't there and any chunk laoding isn't happening.
    How to fix this? Easy! all people what are around in your house should rejoin in the same time and that chunks should be unloaded. When it's done - you can log bback in.
  7. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Hm... i have made a few machines in a chunkloading chunk, and a few without any chunkloader. It seems to be, it doesnt matter if its chunkloaded or not. As my machines were stopping and from other people as well, we were at our own bases and the machines stopped. So just spotloaders fault? no, it doesnt seems to be so easy.
  8. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    After what i can tell it dopesnt really matter if its in a chunkloader or not. I tried to load the same machines in a singleplayer world with and without a chunkloader. It worked bot ways. (i ran the world for a bout 1 day). Then i tried on the server, same thing. it stopped after a few hours, then i replaced and it worked for about a day.
  9. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Yes. The Problem is just, that even that you keep a few machines loaded (you are afk for an hour stand near them) and after you come back the machines stopped working. I am unloading my chunks (logout) and after a few min i login again, and all machines are working again.

    Haha, i am researching the problem for hours, telling you on teamspeak how to fix it and that i am going to make an answer on this topic. But now you made an answer on that, post what i told you is working? But posting it without giving me credit for my work? hm... I dont know if have to be mad or amused about your post. o_O
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  10. grav0r

    grav0r Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    It is a chunkloading thing. After making sure nobody else loads my base by being present and logging off myself to unload all my chunks, everything worked fine after relog. Just for info...
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:18 PM
    I just talked to other server owners with the dw20 pack. They are all experiencing the same issue. As we don't have the issue on Galaxy and BTP (at least there hasn't be anything reported) I do assume it is a bug between one of the mods and cauldron. While it is easy to compare the mod list of the packs, it might not help if the issue is mod version related, but lets see where this brings us.
  12. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    11:18 AM
    I have been having an issue where I need to reconnect my applied energistics whenever I come back from being away from my base , basically leaving my base unloaded on Galaxy but nothing involving ender io conduits or anything
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:18 PM
    I did start, if anyone wants to continue go ahead:
    DWChunkloadIssue - Google Tabellen
    (you can simply write into the doc, once I'll get a moment I will accept the edits)
  14. BaxMax

    BaxMax New Member

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    12:18 PM
    oh BTW NEI sometimes just stops working // i dont want to make a new thread just lettin you know if its unknown ;)
  15. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    11:18 AM
    Doesn't just sometimes stop working for me :(
    It's not worked since I've joined -
    I searched for something, and then it was stuck on that, so when I re-launched my client attempting to fix it, it was then a blank page.
    Able to write, but nothing is coming up in the NEI search options ._.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    12:18 PM
    Direwolf20 has a older version of NEI which still has the bug that the NEI freezes if you use the highlight feature (double click on the search box). Restarting the modpack fixes the issue.
  17. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Machine stopped for a lot of people about 15:19 CET. It should be around this minute. Maybe for the whole Server. . Just for the info, maybe you can use that time? Idk.

    And i would like to help you @Slind14 with your table, but how can i help there? If you may explain it, how we can help, maybe we find the problem faster?
  18. taylorcolin

    taylorcolin New Member

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    7:18 AM
    I don't mean to possibly bother you, but i cannot connect to the Direwolf20 server, is the server down?
  19. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Yes, it went down, a few min ago. It should be up again.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:18 PM
    I will take a look through the logs around this time.
    I did go into the mods directory of the modpack and add the version of the mod to the list.
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