Implemented Waste Of Time

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Phoonomonom, Nov 29, 2014.


Would you like to keep a inventory amount of items?

Poll closed Dec 2, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    12:37 PM
    I know you administrators have stuck by "a complete reset from the beginning" however many people love bteam which is the same as any other player on any other server however people have just started and people are really upset about losing all their items and having to completely start all over even though it most likely wont even matter i would like to create a poll and attempt to get all of bteam to show :/ (most likely not going to work) but i would atleast propose to keep atleast a inventory set amount of items and you cant say its impossible because i already know 4 ways of doing it so sorry for wasting peoples time but a complete reset to the players is basically what some "remember i said some" people are just thinking wow i just wasted a bunch of time for nothing. So now i will just create a poll and hope for the best!
  2. zombiedominator4

    zombiedominator4 New Member

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    11:37 AM
    I agree I believe we should have an inventory full of items just to help us start off on the new server.
  3. Notizbuch

    Notizbuch Owner of a Death Note

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    I think this is not possible, but i have another idea: for the first 24h after the release of the new server u have a unique one-time kit with some advanced starting items.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  4. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    Could you tell me a reason why you think this is impossible? - Low memory plugin known as virtual chest it works well with tppi 1 small chest would cut - files you could transfer over if your careful and know how to do it, so theres two figure out the other 2
  5. Notizbuch

    Notizbuch Owner of a Death Note

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    After a reset every player should have the same begin, the equality principle. In addition, this would also break the economy.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
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  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    The resets of the 1.6.4 will bring you a fresh start, If you choose to stay on them.
    This time you can do thing "better" or differant then before.
    Those world have been around since the launch of them, which is a long time.
    Even though keeping some items might be possible.... it defeats the purpose of a reset.
    What stops players from putting every thing in a ME system and drives just to carry it over?

    As for kits, the Server shop sells them if you as a player wants to buy a "boost"
  7. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    I don't think you see the meaning behind this post, this post was made for the people who have put their dedicated time into the network and this reset is suppose to say oh sorry reset your going to lose all you worked for, really? --- that's just what people are saying so this poll is to show a way around that or even if its just a slim chance yes people under stand what the reset is for and whats its about no it wont really break the economy its pretty controlled as is.[DOUBLEPOST=1417308143,1417307909][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I would like to start off your on the wrong post Attack of the b team doesnt even have ME Systems... And again the fresh start i understand that so does every other person i dont really know how many times i need to say this but people are taking it as a waste of time of playing when its going to be reset and they dont get to take anything yes some people are for the reset so am i quite so im really pumped for it however i would like to take atleast some stuff with me that i have dedicated myself towards on this server over my break as long as most people ---- and for the kits yes everyone knows about the kits want to know why some people say thats stupid is because people have already put their work in and would like atleast some kind of stuff to take with them
  8. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    I was one of those people.

    Why you may ask?

    I absolutely love this server. Probably the best out there for basically everything. I decided I wanted to start up B-team after I got bored of it a few months back. I played over a span of four days, starting 11/26/14. It's now the 29th, and I would say I've gotten quite far. You may think that it's only a little amount of time, but I've already:

    Made a pretty nice house, made a very tall smeltery, got loads of metals (including about a hundred ingots of manyullyn,) a full set of some of the best Tinkers' tools... I was just getting started on Thermal Expansion too.

    Yeah. The span of four days. It may not be a lot, but when you JUST start like this, and then have it reset, it really makes you not want to play. It's kind of like saying,

    "Oh, you just started? Oh, look at that, you've gotten far! How about a restart so you have to do all of that over again!"

    I love this server a lot, but you probably won't see me after this reset. I just don't want to start over and have to redo everything again.
    I'd probably agree to this if I was about a month or two into the pack, simply because by then I'd have everything I'd need and probably be bored. Restarting as it is for me would be a pretty big damper.
    Phoonomonom likes this.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    This will be a complete reset as we always do, with reasons we have pointed out a lot in the past.
    As mentioned in another post the world will be available as download per request, so everyone who wants to continue playing without a reset will be able to with a personal setup.
  10. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    Even though it sounds pretty harsh some people also dont know the reason behind why its being reset and its just to push more room for 1.7 servers which i like but it all comes around just wait for bteam 1.7 :D itll come sooner or later :D cant wait[DOUBLEPOST=1417311537,1417311463][/DOUBLEPOST]
    So basically everyone thats played or put their dedicated time into playing was just wasted very interesting to hear thanks --- wait personal setup are you talking about single player? if so thats completely stupid we joined for the community thats what we are going to keep playing by and i still dont understand why taking 2 hrs to transfer inventories is such a problem people want it if youd hop on bteam maybe youll see some that like the idea and arent totally opposed to it i just dont understand why going again your customs overcome what players would like just find it rather weird
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I do think it is better to be clear and not make false hopes, even if it sounds or even is harsh.
  12. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    Your trying to defeat the obvious reasons behind this post... still dont understand why its so hard or going against custom you guys have set opposed to what some players would like guess all networks are the same
  13. zombiedominator4

    zombiedominator4 New Member

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    11:37 AM
    so we will not get to keep anything. What about ranks??
  14. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    Ranks will be kept as they are global (throughout the network) -- Just items and worlds will be gone sorry if you feel like youve wasted your time i know i have and my friends have as well
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I'm talking about keeping the inventory. We had this topic a few times before.
    Phoonomonom likes this.
  16. zombiedominator4

    zombiedominator4 New Member

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    I've been playing on this server for about a year now and your saying that was all just a waste of time? I don't find this to be fair to us.[DOUBLEPOST=1417312791,1417312727][/DOUBLEPOST]:(
  17. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    I think you didnt read the above comment :D they are atleast considering :) now all we have to do is be patient
  18. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    You never loose everything. You still have your experience in the modpack so you know how to do things and such stuff, due that you can come ways easier to the part you are now. :)
  19. zombiedominator4

    zombiedominator4 New Member

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    I've been working on witchery and it is a very difficult mod. I have made bark belt armor after a very long process of getting everything needed and it will still be extremely difficult no matter how much experience I have with the mod. It took me around 3 days of 15 hours a day and I don't want to go through that again.
  20. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    12:37 PM
    Mind doing me a favor go onto bteam 2 and say that and see how many strangers pop out of your screen to scare the heck out of ya :) also i already know everything there is to know about bteam so do alot others we dont care about experience but more about our resources achieved one off topic thing it is 3:13am GO TO BED LOL
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