Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Phoonomonom, Nov 30, 2014.

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  1. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    12:14 PM
    Alright this sounds kinda weird because i was really opposed to the reset not to long ago until i found some stuff out but is there any chance you can do the reset for bteam sooner :) id like to start my plans soon----sooner the better :) dont want to wait do nothing until then but yea you people must have other plans first until then so yeah just wondering :)
  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    4:14 PM
    Considering the schedule on working with the 1.7.10 servers, B-team isn't really a top priority as far as I'm aware, because of it being a 1.6.4 server and it doesn't really upvote the server generally - low player base throughout the day.

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be worked on, but it doesn't help out the server because it's never going to be updated, and it's going to turn into the new Horizons soon (0 players on at a time)

    You know you could check out Modsauce?
    I came to MyM for B-team, and I'm extremely happy that Modsauce has been added, because it is literally just B-team on steroids!
    You can also try out the other new modpacks -
    Bevo, DW20, MYG

    (Suggestion -
    You should download the MyM launcher, and download a few of the packs that come with MyM - LAUNCHER)
  3. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    12:14 PM
    Yes i have tried modsauce i got my team of 4 friends went to check out modsauce and no offense absolutely hated it more then anything not alot to it - to us when we went through the nei it didnt seem like much besides the worlds if it was a custom modpack there could be a ton of better stuff added i gave the rating 62% mostly because its missing alot but thats a personal opinion

    btw bteam 2 hit 30 people during the day so your ratings are off just saying

    and why wouldnt it be updated did the author quit if so let me know :p
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    No 1.6.4 servers are being updated as far as I'm aware, everything is just 1.7.10 now..
    (Or atleast, I thought they were working on the 1.7.10 Revenge of the B-team)

    Also I never gave any ratings, I'm saying eventually it's going to turn into 0 players (like Horizons did)
    - Also, these 30 players you mention, I've been on B-team recently, only about 5-10 of them are players who play daily
  5. Phoonomonom

    Phoonomonom -Ghost-

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    12:14 PM
    at 9am when i got on this mourning there was a full list on tab on pve2

    and then said + 16 so you werent on at the right time its not turning into horizons most likely wont until revenge it has one of those unique features and i know you never gave a rating thats because i did i thought the mod author could add alot more fun to it but didnt thats all anyways this topic should be closed
  6. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    4:14 PM
    I'll close it on request then
    (By the way, I do understand where you're coming from, but the B-team servers have been up for months now, B-team 2 is the newest being born at July 27th or 28th)

    + I'm sure Slind&Willi will set the date to before Christmas considering I'm sure none of us expect them to work throughout the Christmas holidays
    (1 week break wasn't enough guys, you deserve more)
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