Monster Server Reset or Shut Down...?

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by SirWill, Dec 10, 2014.


What do you prefer?

Poll closed Dec 16, 2014.
  1. Restart with monster modpack

  2. Switch to another modpack

  3. Continue in singleplayer

  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We are currenlty infront of the decision of shutting the monster servers down or resetting them into one. A few of the reasons are:
    • highest resource consumption per player (4 servers, with an average of 3-5 players online)
    • server with the oldest worlds
    • focus on 1.7 servers, support for 1.6 already got less and will drop further as 1.7 needs our attention and is the future
    • already 4 1.7 servers on our network which are more stable than monster
    We assume that it is more compelling to check out the new 1.7 servers or continueing in a personal environment than restarting with the monster modpack.

    To clarify the basic decision has been made, monster as it is atm won't continue. It will be a complete shutdown or reset.
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    in my opinion its time to let go of 1.6
    It would be cool to free up all those resources. Then focus on the 1.7 pluggins untill FTB releases there 1.7 packs.
    the only 1.6 servers i see worth keeping is B- Team, since a lot of people who want an "easier" modded experience or have weak machines can play.
    Maybe 1 Agrarian and 1 Crash landing but soon even those will be updated(not sure about crash landing)

    I would like to see the ontime work on 1.7 and other 1.7 features getting "fixed"
    Right now the only packs i would wait on are
    TPPI 2
    FTB Official packs

    Once those are released, the server then can open up more servers based on how good those are.....
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
    Mijikai, JacaRoe and Demonica6666 like this.
  3. attichicco

    attichicco New Member

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    just wondering about a ting, if you will decide to shut down 1.6.4 servers in the future, i tink you can try update the whole modpack in a mym version of the pack, to 1.7
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We already did that with horizons, not to 1.7 but updated all the mods and not many players played it. Also why update monster if there is no huge difference between monster and bevo/darktrilogy/galaxy/direwolf
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  5. attichicco

    attichicco New Member

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    is possible to do it with other packs like B-Team, Agrarian, TPPI or others, even ag+ if is not 1.7
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    updating between major minecraft versions never really worked, especially not with medium and big modpacks. In this case it is even impossible due to major changes in forge (automated id's).
  7. attichicco

    attichicco New Member

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    then is better shutting them down, or wait for Modpack Devs to update them to 1.7, so we will have ontime, and other plugins working on 1.7 too
  8. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    I have and would loose the most with this reset. I think i have spent over 40 ontime days on monster and i had a fantastic time.
    I have more diamonds then other players have dirt. I have more iron than others have Stone. With a few testings, i crafted 2,5 Solar Panels a second. I had a great time there. I would continue playing this modpack, but with the release of 1.7.10 i knew there will come changes. So its always a good thing to see new modpacks. I do understand the decision which the @Founder are making and it is fine for me. Sometimes it is kind of sad, that we all go to the new thing, not staying and building something stable something really nice. But thats a normal thing, people get bored, are more interested in the more popular and new modpacks. And MyM wants to build also Servers for their players. So i understand it to 100%. It was good as it lasts.

    RIP Monster, we wont forget you.
    Argonath1337 and Demonica6666 like this.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    the old system would work on 1.7 but started to implement our own on which we can relay more as the old third party one is buggy from A to Z. Besides the big database which is filling for months with data from all (1.6 and 1.7) servers there hasn't been anything done. But we have a lot of data, saved as open/loss-less as possible so it won't put us limits in the way.
  10. RabidCadaver

    RabidCadaver Well-Known Member

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    :) I was just getting monster down, too. Welp, there's nothing like a new start somewhere else. I can always learn another pack. If we can take the resources that monster uses, and apply them somewhere else for the betterment of the whole, I say that's the way to go.
  11. sk_

    sk_ Active Member

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    Personally, I think it is important to let go of something for progress to be made - and this is one of those occasions. I have made my vote, and I think it would be extremely beneficial to let go of 1.6 and make more space for some awesome 1.7 modpacks.
  12. JavaBond

    JavaBond Well-Known Member

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    Adventure modpack please
  13. Nodobuya

    Nodobuya New Member

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    As sad as i am after i have a great base at monster, i can only vote for a shutdown. Since Direwolf came out the playerbase just dropped to a few players average. I would recommend replacing it's slot with a more advanced modpack, and not try to update it since it would take too much time and may not even work.
  14. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I was heavy player of Monster, and will not cry when it goes ways, along with my 2 million essence dust.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    with me i think this is the best option, shutting it down, because the monster server, tbh was OLD, and basically only doc plays it now, so tell him to get on another server, and thats basically it, i quit when dw20 was made because DW20 has that monster feel, but is nowhere as easy :pompous:
  16. Shpotee

    Shpotee New Member

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    I am so happy you've posted this note now. I'm a completely new member of the community and wanted just now to begin my journey on Monster.
    What modpack would you suggest to somebody who is willing to begin playing on a MYM server with the QuarryPlus mod included?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2014
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    no other pack with Q+, but the 1.7 enderquarry replaces it
  18. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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  19. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    Is it possible to place the wold files somewhere so that we can download them? or isn't that how multiplayer worlds work?
  20. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    Yes. With the B-Team, Slind said, whoever wanted to have the world he is playing, just has to write him a message.
    @Slind14 or how do you want to do it this time? Because i am totally interested in having the world too.

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