The Dark Trilogy: Tome of Knowledge sharing

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by AlphaRue, Dec 13, 2014.


Should the Tome of Knowledge sharing be craftable

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    2:04 PM
    I believe the Tome of Knowledge Sharing should be made craftable a possible recipe(as this greatly reduces work among teams) would be
    [nether star] [iridium plate] [nether star]
    [primal charm] [thaumonomicon] [primal charm]
    [iridium plate] [primal charm] [iridium plate]

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    chugga_fan and bobthepig2 like this.
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    No, this is progression breaking.
    Once you allow this on a server, everyone can get knowledge and finish thaumcraft fast

    If you want to share with a team, they already have a way to Duplicate research, where you can copy one research at a time.
  3. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    you can only copy a research right after you make it and it is at an increased cost so you can not duplicate all your researches without spending hours at Deconstruction tables AND being vigilant in duplicating it immediately
    chugga_fan likes this.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    remember the rules about tome of knowledge sharing spreading that you had to accept to be on mym?
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    remember the rule about selling "end" game items.... people dont listen.
    And this one item breaks the whole mod if allowed[DOUBLEPOST=1418505593,1418505400][/DOUBLEPOST]
    This is how your suppose to do it.
    You whole team goes and collects aspects, scaning everything.
    This way you all have points.
    Then one person Researches it.
    Then passes the completed on to another person on the team. They then copy it.
    This way the original person doesnt run out of points to copy.

    What your asking to to be able to copy an entire bock at the cost of no aspect points.

    I still stand firm on saying this item is game breaking in this pack.
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    it still stacks the price, 1 and 2, then why is it allowed on the other mym servers?
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    What servers is it allowed on?
    I still think this item is a bad idea on any server.
    Especially TDT where progression depends on it.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    dw20 monster, any other server with thaumcraft on it, and btw the price still increases no matter which member duplicates it
    AlphaRue likes this.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Thats why the person that make the research doesnt copy it. If its in the table.... others can look in the table and copy it with there points.
    The reason i personally hate this Tome is i spend hours to become a master at thaumcraft. learning all the research. Then a whole group of people can do it with a right click of a book. You put the word "team" behind it, but we all know even people that arnt teamed would use this.
    I like the fact that the people that take the time to due thaumcraft can mae Thaumcraft items.... This is one mod that is a mod each person should have to do if they want to be a mage
  10. jitsublade

    jitsublade Well-Known Member

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    This doesnt make sense to me. I think the Tome should be aloud. Many of us have done the research several times and hate doing it over and over. I believe that a player should go through it at least once before he/she uses the Tome. But i also believe it is that players choice. Further more i dont believe it should bother you if a players uses it. Who cares if they didnt have to research it but you did. It shouldnt be your concern. It doesnt affect you, unless you let it. In fact it is selfish to say they shouldnt be able to use it. There is no reason to have a problem with it except for selfishness and to be controlling and competitive. This might sound harsh, but its the truth.
    AlphaRue, chugga_fan and Moorian like this.
  11. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    with the new warp thing it is not so easy if you have no clue with what you are dealing with!

    why it even bother you?

    exactly what i think about that post.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    If you use a tome full of warp.... it would be very bad for you. If you dont know how to deal with it.

    And the reason i dont like is right there in your statement. IF you have no clue about warp.... then you have not done thaumcraft 4, yet you want an easy way to get all the research.
  13. jitsublade

    jitsublade Well-Known Member

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    Yes very good point. Which is why i say a person should go through it atleast once before using a tome. That way they have the experience. But i dont believe it is our place to enforce it. It isnt our decision. It is the players decision. It is up to us as individuals. it is also up to each individual whether to share it or not. So if you dont like it then dont share it.

    For me, i have done the research 100% more than once on all versions of thaumcraft. I dont want to have to keep doing it over and over again. It keeps me from using the mod. But i like the mod and do want to use thaumcraft items. Therefore i want to use the tome.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I have to, many times, But i understand each pack is like a new "game" on the server. This is the same reason currency and claim dont carry over. Starting a new pack, you must know your starting new. Can i say i have done Ender io, IC2, Thermal expansion....ect over and over to end game... and ask for machines? No i cant, so how would i be able to ask to be able to progress through thuamcraft so quickly. While i see you point that you have done it before 100%, most haven't. They rely on this tome
    The problem is there is no way to prevent people who haven't done the research at least once from using this tome.

    Ultimately i have no say on this matter, and all past post are my opinion. If the server chooses to enable this... its their call.
  15. jitsublade

    jitsublade Well-Known Member

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    I get your point. But there is a difference. These other mods dont require researching machines before you make them. Even if i have the research i still have to make the items and machines. So this comparison doesnt quite work for me. However you are right that we need to understand that it is a new start on each server.[DOUBLEPOST=1418550723,1418550294][/DOUBLEPOST]And to say that it is the same as currency and claims is true to. But you have to keep in mind that you are trying to remove an item that is part of the mod. It was created for this very reason. And i am greatful for it because of my distaste for doing research many times. The use of a tome only affects each players experience. And they are given a choice whether to use it or even create it. It doesnt affect anyone else except the individual. It should be enabled. And it should be left to the player to make the decision. That is what is just and right. To control the use of it or tell someone else whether they can use it or not isnt our place in my opinion. Because it doesnt affect others.
    AlphaRue and Moorian like this.
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Im pretty sure the pack maker disabled this item. Because it breaks progression on servers. He had servers in mind when making the pack.
    Notizbuch likes this.
  17. jitsublade

    jitsublade Well-Known Member

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    The pack maker maybe. But i was talking about the mod maker. And it is up to us as a server whether we want it enabled or not. Which is what this vote is about. My point is that i dont see why it should be disabled. It doesnt affect anyone else if a player uses it. Our job as admins and moderators is partly to create a fun and safe enviroment for people to enjoy the game. And the tome doesnt destroy a persons fun. They have the choice to use it. So if they choose to use it then that means that is what is more fun for them. It is our job to control things that affect others. It is an individual decision. One person might have the opinion tha it will make it less fun for another if they use it. But that is just there opinion. It is the player decision that makes it fun or not. Me for example. It is less fun if i cant use it. Therefore i havent even started thaumcraft on this server. But if i can share knowledge with someone so idont have to do all the research ove ri would. I like teaming up with another person doing it. I do some parts of the research while they do another part. then we share our progress. Or i would even like to learn it all from others tomes. The point is it is not our place to say whether another person can or cant use a tome. And it is each person opinion which way is more fun for them. Again, it doesnt affect other players when a person uses it. Therfore there is no reason to control it other than selfishness and to be controlling. This is my opinion. However i believe it to be fact
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Yes mod makers make the mods.
    But a pack maker changes the configs for his/her vision of the pack.
    In TDT many recipes are changed. Unintended by the mod makers. Does the server change all those recipes back?
    Items like the laser drill from MFR is disabled... do we enable?
    Thaumcraft node were set to hard yet Azanor releases it on normal.... does that get changed?
    The answer above is no.

    How is it selfish? You have the same opportunity to do the research like any other player... no one is stopping you. Im not saying for the server to disable/ not enable an item that will stop you from doing research... that would be selfish.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
  19. Notizbuch

    Notizbuch Owner of a Death Note

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    "TDT" places a big value on balance. This is the reason why items have been disabled. Feel free to request here: [1.7.10] The Dark Trilogy [PUBLIC BETA] | Feed the Beast , but I'm sure that tfox83 tell you the same.

    And to the topic that we make the server as we like it, why do we not give everybody the creative-mode?
    There is in my opinion a too large benefit potential for this item, because we can`t control where the item is used.

    There is a reason why this item is in the mod yes, but i think the thaumcraft-maker sets the main use of this item on private servers.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
  20. jitsublade

    jitsublade Well-Known Member

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    I dont believe it changes the balance to make it enabled. it is still a lot of work to make all the blocks and items necessary in thaumcraft. And the example about the laser drill etc doesnt fit. Of course we have th option to change configs as we see fit. the pack maker would agree. And the laser drill is a good example of unbalanced. I dont believe the tome is. The tome doesnt give you a bunch of ore or items very quickly like the laser. It simply enables you to be able to craft items if you have the materials. I dont see the tome as unbalancing. And it si selfish because you are trying to control the actions of others that dont affect you. If they dont affect you then there is no reason to try to control them. that is a selfish act. You say that it bothers you that other can get the knowledge easily form the tome when u researched it. But them getting the knowledge from the tome does not affect you in anyway unless you let it. Therefore it is either selfish and/or competitive. Ther eis no reason for that. We should let each play er make that decision simply because it affects nobody else.

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