Implemented Character Rollback

Discussion in 'The Dark Trilogy' started by mynameisAK, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Local Time:
    5:42 AM
    Whilst attempting to make mana pearls I accidentally threw one, which apparently put me into 'pvp combat'.

    Thinking "Well, that's weird" I attempted to access my AE system, which kicked me from the server because I was not allowed to access containers whilst in combat.

    Upon re-entering the server I was shown as dead. I head back to my grave, which I proceed to break and to my surprise and confusion, only my head, globetrotters sash and ring of magnetization dropped.

    I am here to request a roll back on my character due to losing my ender pouch - which had a combination I am unable to recall (If I get the rollback I will of course hand over the ring of magnetization and globetrotters sash that would have been duplicated due to the rollback).

    If I were to die or loose my items by my own accord/fault then I would not be here, due to it being both a glitch that I died and a glitch that my items were deleted.

    Any time before 1:00AM GMT would get my items back.

    If I am not allowed to get a rollback, am I able to get a temporary rollback only to see what the combination of my ender pouch was?
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    6:42 AM
    You throw what? a ender pearl?

    If I throw a ender pearl I can still open containers.
  3. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    5:42 AM
    I have attempted to recreate the glitch without any success.

    I know the policy on refunds, am I able to get the roll back only to see the ender pouch combination (And then have my items taken from me)?
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    mynameisAK likes this.
  5. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    5:42 AM
    Thank you so much, was just starting on light gray as the first one xD
  6. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    6:42 AM
    give him a like for his work man :p

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