Implemented Vote on Gendustry for Dark Trilogy

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by jitsublade, Dec 17, 2014.


Should we keep or remove Gendustry on Dark Trilogy

  1. Yes, keep it enabled.

    24 vote(s)
  2. No, remove it.

    17 vote(s)
  3. Potato

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. The42ndDruid

    The42ndDruid I sell Propane and Propane accessories Patron Tier 3

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    7:23 PM
    How is 5-10 nether stars per mutation balanced? The power requirements is good enough.
  2. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    12:23 AM
    because the mutatron is op and breaks the whole intended bee crossing mechanics?
    it should be used wisely
    Lawmonark likes this.
  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    7:23 PM
    Well I fell that would be excessive, it would be like requireing 1 star for every thaum spell. Its gregteched enuff

    From the minecraft dictionary:

    : to overly complicate something for the sake of tedium
    chugga_fan, Xfel11 and The42ndDruid like this.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:23 PM
    I'll look into this mod tonight and post some balance ideas for you @Slind14. I'll have them up here for you by tomorrow
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    alright :) the configs of the mod need to be extracted from the jar. Open the jar with a zip utility and extract the \assets\gendustry\config\ directory. Power requirement has been increased by 5x -10x + the power cost of upgrades doubled.
  6. The42ndDruid

    The42ndDruid I sell Propane and Propane accessories Patron Tier 3

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    7:23 PM
    Ouch. That sounds balanced I suppose. :|
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:23 AM
    in the video i watch the guy said it to like 2mil RF to preform 1 task on some machines, 200k on others
  8. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    7:23 PM
    Everything is currently 5x to 10x more power hungry than that, really more nerf needed?
    The42ndDruid likes this.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:23 PM
    Nerf Everything! Want a crafting table? Better have a nether star! muahahahahahaaaa! oh, um.. anywise....

    @Slind14, so after actually looking at the configs, and playing around with the mod and what not, these are my thoughts on how to "balance" this mod....
    • Industrial Apiary
      • BaseMjPerTick: Raise from 2 to 5
    • Mutatron
      • DegradeChanceNatural: Raise form 0 to 25
      • DeathChanceArtificial: Raise from 10 to 50
      • SecretMutationChance: Lower from 10 to 5
      • Disable Advanced Mutatron
    • Imprinter
      • Disable
    • Genetic Transposer
      • Disable
    • Protein Liquifier
      • Disable
    • DNA Extractor
      • Keep
    • Replicator
      • Disable
    • Sampler
      • Disable
    • Change the labware to require a something Very expensive and rare to produce, and set to only produce 4
    • Change the recipe for the Mutatron to require a something very expensive and rare to produce, not nether quartz.
    • Keep the new power requirements
    • Mutagen Producer, only produce Mutagen with something expensive, and have it only produce 100mb per item.
    • cfg Extractor
      • LabwareConsumeChance: Lower from 10 to 5
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419128792,1419128640][/DOUBLEPOST]This will keep the "base" functionality of the mod, and make bee breeders use forestry to breed the bees. This make the industrial bee house thing us full only when you actually have the bee, but you still need to work for each mutation.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    7:23 PM
    WTF IS THIS? are you TRYING to make us use the other bee mods instead? because if so, i hate you, because this actually DISTROYS the purpose of gendustry, in fact, this actually makes gendustry worse, heck, it'd be just doing base forestry, and you removed mechanics that we already have in the other bee mods, therefore you're trying to push us out of using gendustry, (reminder: THIS IS NOT D.I.E NOTHING NEEDS TO BE THIS NERFED) in fact the purpose of gendustry is to make bee breeding EASIER, you're actually trying to KILL gendustry instead of balancing it, and slind already said it's enough nerf, in fact 6 bigreactors producing 5krf/t each couldn't put up with that power strain, so it's already more than balanced
  11. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    7:23 PM
    WOW that has to be the most horrid recommendations I have heard. This will kill the usefulness of this mod. Dont kill the fun of this mod.

    This exact argument can be made against qaurries, SO OP compared to the pureist way of digging with a pick. Its like forcing thaumcraft to only do what blood magic can do. The whole reason for this mod is to NOT have to do any of the pureist forestry junk

    Why kill my fun because someone else is a pureist and doesnt like the way I want to play.

    So the people who played fast, Im slow, will win out, they already have fully modded bees and can keep them. Punish those who take their time to play. Ive been using it for a week now, and am just starting to get past imperial and industrial. PLEASE dont kill my fun
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    The42ndDruid likes this.
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:23 PM
    @chugga_fan These are how I would do it for my PERSONAL idea of balance. NOT that these are going to be implamented as is, with no discussion whatsoever. I believe that this would be the harshest we could push it. I do want to know how you would modify these settings. THAT is why I posted it.

    @Decnav thses are ideas and sugestions... don't be sad. Please feel free to post what you think would be fair(er)
  13. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    I think what we currently have is to harsh. Thats the thing, I feel as if its already over nerfed. My suggestions would be to put it back to the way the pack maker had it, but apparently that is unacceptable for some reason.

    I spend my time either wandering about distracted by shiny things or am playing with the bees. Making it any harder and I just wont do it, it will be too much for me. I dont want gregtech like hardness. This pack is the hardest thing I have played, and I almost quit because it was almost too much in the beginning. Making gendustry any harder will ruin it completely for me. Others may enjoy the "challenge" I dont, which is why I am playing gendustry

    It doesnt need to be any harder than this. Want hard for the sake of tedium, play resurrection. I tried it, but the first machine I went to make has so many subparts, I gave my stuff away. I play for fun I dont find packs like DIE fun . I dont want super ultra hardmode, or overly complex crafting, thats why Im playing TDT and not DIE or res.
  14. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    While I like many of the things in TDT, some of the tedium like making plates from ingots to used them for basic item is just tedium as is steel for basic machines. Bees are tedious, and generally end game, they are no more OP than an quarry, grinder or harvester and generally bees inferior in output to those. Gendustry does make it easier, but still difficult to get all the equipment needed, that same equipment could easily have gone to make a quarry, grinder or harvester. I don't see the reason it was so nerfed.

    IMHO, the only way bees are OP, is when the are used in mass, limiting the number of working apiaries/aluviarys is more a balancing move than make them more tedius to use. THis is similare what is done with other resource generators.
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:23 AM
    Protein liquidfier is a very nice machine, as it allows people to make Princesses, on a server that can become very useful.

    While i do like the grind of forestry bees, i cant recommend push others to like it or use it.

    IMO the way Gendustry should be is, Either leave it or Remove it. If its left keep it the way it is by default in the pack. After messages from Tfox and others i talk with, They have insured me the base power use is actually pretty balanced when compared to other ways of gather resources that require power. For instance the amount of power a 16x16 quarry takes to finish is a fraction of what it would take to breed all the bees needed to acquire the same amount of resources.
    Some Gendustry default operations take 2.500.000 RF/t for each task.

    Tfox said he has some balance ideas that he wont implement till after the holidays.
    Maybe disable the mod until those are added..... if he doesn't balance it, just enable as default.
    The pack maker has good judgment of balance and if he thinks the power use balances it, i cant help but to agree.

    So either completely disable or Leave it default

    I would like to add my original thoughts on this mod was to remove it, but after watching many spotlights and conversation with friends, they have changed my mind. While it may be unbalanced bee wise, its not unbalanced for resource gathering.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    according to the default config the most expensive task is the replicator with 300k MjPerItem. that doesn't sound and feel much.

    However I did half the current energy usage over all.
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    MJ to RF is 1:10
    So thats 3.o00.000 RF per item.

    Here is what i got from wiki, but a lot of my info is from spotlights
    Thats just to name a few. thats from the mod author wiki

    Hate that this is the case but the power usage kinda does balance it.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:23 PM

    300,000 MJ = 3,000,000 rf
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  19. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:23 AM
  20. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    7:23 PM
    Tried using the Industrial Apiary, the 20% prod upgrades, increase drain on power 80%. Why the apiaries were messed with, don't know. I am staring tree and seed farms to make aluviaries. the 1000+ Bronze I sunk into gendustry is useless. rather just ahave more bees running, with only small overhead of making frames.

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