it is not possible to get ethanol in the genetics genepool. i tried every side but the ethanol dont get in (the GUI said that it gets in from every side). i know since gendustry is on this modpack probably nobody tried the old way but i want something to do and not every bee in 2-3 days when i am lazy.^^
On DW20, my genepool (RF) works with an ender io pressurized conduit attached to the top of the genepool. What kind of genepool do you use (RF/EU/MJ)? Might be that EU/MJ does not recognize the conduits? OH, and do not store the dna in any container, at least not openblocks. Openblocks tank turned the liquid dna to the 1.6.4 version (Raw DNA), and thus cannot be pumped into the polymeriser. I use ender io conduits here again to move it directly into the Polymeriser.
the rf one (power window is full) with ender fluid conduit... the 3 incubator's working with them. i try it with the pressureized one now it is not working with the pressureized conduit the liquid window (left) stays empty i found out that the isolator (also from genetics) needs ethanol too but it doesn't work exactly as with the genepool. i tried it from avery side and pressurized conduit and ender fluid conduit.