The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 | Performance

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    2:37 AM
    You guys have to rethink moving all to the casual Server. I mean it could work for a few people but not for all. And the tps will be lower. I still think 3 Server with a choice is a good thing, but right now we have clearlagg like every few minutes, with 45 players online and the tps is mainly getting dropped by entities.

    So something like 200ms means, its dropping it down to 10 tps. You will have the choice to live on a server with animals. But the tps might drop. So i just want to say that, so you guys know if you all want to move to the casual server that it wont help very much.
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    9:37 PM
    Don't forget ExtraCells is installed so HUGE drives for both items and fluid. ;)
  3. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    6:37 PM
    Okay, there seems to be a good bit of confusion going around about this, so allow me to attempt to clarify in some bullet lists.
    • Build
      • Be able to create large buildings with plenty of machinery to handle all of your needs without the worries of low TPS.
      • Still waiting on approval for this, but Peaceful Table should allow the slow fetching of mob drops, too. Make several and give them Looting swords for higher loot count (Professional players will also be able to get more than just kits by making more tables, whether they're pro after one day or thirty)
      • Automated Infernal Furnace/Hungry Chest/Brain-in-a-Jar for experience gain!
    • Farm
      • Be able to create sizeable plots of farmland, and even automate it along with some chunkloaders or such to keep it going. A Sprinkler along with some Thaumcraft golems or MFR harvester/planters will keep it growing and harvested.
      • This would require the Founders' backing to increase loaded chunks allowed, though complex refining machines may be limited to prevent major TPS loss.
    • Mobs
      • Will contain a lower TPS, but will have plenty of mobs to kill for not only items, but experience as well.

    On the subject of experience, I haven't had a time to go through testing all of the different mods, but I did notice that Mariculture isn't on the list for either of them. Is it just that it's unbalanced (TDT), or what?
  4. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    2:37 AM
    Experience can be easily farmed with TiCon Essence berries, especially if a reinforced watering can and harvester is in the equation.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:37 PM
    there is no reinforced watering can on TDT, and i need my cheap enchants dangit!
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    I do not know TDT mod list at all, but isnt the TF in it? Tree of time clocks can also be used for plant growth. Then there is also Lamp of growth, and the sigil/ritual of the green growth that can be used.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    50ms = 20tps
    100ms = 10tps
    200ms = 5tps

    ms = milliseconds
    tps= ticks per second
    1 second = 20 ticks = 1000 milliseconds = 50ms per tick
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    2:37 AM
    This is my biggest fear on the whole topic. But the idea is that probably 80-90% of the time is spent on the build server as you can mine there, too. Lets say we have 60 players where we would be at around 2-4tps summing up the from 35-40 players online. I guess even the hardest brains out of steel wouldn't take this for long. According to the test where we were at around 35ms with 35 players we could have around 50 players on the server with 19-20tps. (even more if the strain from all farmworlds is moving, too -> especially twilight) You know the performance of the current server with 10 players online (it nearly never gets down to 10 players but I never saw less than 20 tps with 15 or less players), while there might be a lot more going on due to chunkloaders we have to keep in mind that as long as the spigot code is working, these entities nearly never tick due to no player being around (I don't know the values but I guess it is something around every twentieth tick instead of every or every second/third, which would make a hell of a difference).

    I have good faith in this risky idea. At the end we have to try it, if it works we will be happy, if it fails we will be wise.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
    LucidTheStick and BookerTheGeek like this.
  9. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    8:37 PM
    I was thinking some more, and I agree that it might work out to be less laggy without as many players and all the machines behind normal automation/ore processing running non stop in player bases.
  10. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Did you even read the thread? The machines haven't caused any issue whatsoever. You can have dozens of players with high tech machinery at top speed running and the server "Laughs at you while running smoothly still," it's just the mobs pathfinding AI that takes up all the memory.
  11. RabidCadaver

    RabidCadaver Well-Known Member

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    8:37 PM
    :| So let's talk for a moment about the mob clears and how they appear to have decided to finally eat my golems. Most specifically my thaumium alchemy golem with upgrades. That was a little bit of work to lose. Made me sad. :C <---- That sad.[DOUBLEPOST=1419749956,1419741668][/DOUBLEPOST]Or maybe it's not the mob clears. And just before that last boot, some straw golems showed back up. The thaum one not yet... or maybe he's off somewhere.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It only removes vanilla mobs.
  13. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    Man, my horse disappeared for like half a day then he went back from the dead!

    There is still hope!!!!

    Guys, make that mob clear more often, please.

    Any chance to expand that plugin to kill all the mobs on a server (not counting, say, the golehmz!)

  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I tested this with straw golems, They dont get despawned.
    That being said, any way to make it that named animals dont despawn?
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  16. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    I have spawned 3 different golems yesterday and they were surviving dozens of Clearlagg, so i think its not the clearlagg itself, just the normal "despawn" of the golems itself which were quite known back on 1.6.4
  17. GeorgeBoy14

    GeorgeBoy14 Well-Known Member

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    Is ender zoo mod enabled on the server? (direwolf20 )
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Disabled by default and we kept it this way.
  19. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    Ender zoo mobs are spawning on DW20, and has done since the update to 1.0.3 this morning
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    2:37 AM
    Not on TDT though.
    Lawmonark likes this.

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