I have issues with two different items that say they are banned and disappear but are not in the banned items list. 1. Uncrafting table- I was able to craft the thing and waste a maze map focus, but it disappeared when I placed it. Without this table, how do we repair highly enchanted tools? 2. World Hole Upgrade- With the constant machine crashes it is necessary to remove all blocks with the ender quarry so when it inevitably must be broken and re-placed I don't waste a ton of power and time while it scans dirt.
1. Uncrafting Table is on the list and is banned for multiple dupe bugs. Anvil? 2. added to the list and is banned because of performance issues.
Right click it and it will tell you the coords. Also with enabled particels, you are able to see it work when it comes near gound level.
1. Anvil gives "Too Expensive" when trying to repair an enchanted sword even the first time. I see it on the list now, guess we're screwed. 2. Performance issues? An empty block causes lag while one made of stone/dirt/ore doesn't?
There are many ways to repair items. Thaumic Tinker...ect. Also your playing modded minecraft.... are you talking about vanilla tools? Why not make Tinker tools.... they are better and easy to repair
The un-crafting table is not used to repair items, it is used to uncraft items. And it is banned for the reasons stated above. As for repairing items, their are many nodded blocks that have no limit to the level of repair. MFR has one off the top of my head, along with open blocks.
Agree to disagree then. I used it to repair vanilla enchanted items that required huge levels of XP to repair that other blocks wouldn't. It is used to repair items.
how would you? Didnt know that table could repair items. But Auto Anvil form MFR uses power and mod essance and no xp. It can repair any item Osmotic Enchanter uses Vis to repair items Open blocks has and anvil that is like the MFR one. Soo many option that an item know to dupe is not needed when there are many other items that do the same thing and better
Well, I learned something today about other items that repair. I have actually only ever used an uncrafting table to repair items. Every time I screwed up and made something by accident or too many of something, I couldn't get the components back from that table so figured the name was a misnomer.
If you stick a damaged item into the uncrafting table, it shows the items used to make it, with some of them reddened out. If you place new copies of the reddened out items onto the table, you can repair it--but I believe it requires ALL red slots be filled in. Obviously, this will not work with items that can only be made through modded means, such as infusion or even arcane worktable.