The witch hunt, or how mym looses their donators

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by caithleen, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:41 PM
    I just got the money to upgrade my donator rank on xmas. But i wont.


    Because the witch hunt currently on servers is getting too far.

    chugga_fan was allready threatened for days to get his base removed. Since he builds messy and lieks to grief i was okay to some extent with this.

    But now, our two player base, which takes up 4% of server ress according to staff, is beeing threatened as well.

    1. Im a donator, i have a reserved spot. If you make 50 slots servers, i think im allowed to take up 2%. Well my teammate isnt a donator, but if he gets his 2% as well, 4% for the base should be perfectly fine.

    2. Some of your decisions make it unplayable for some. You like bees? Sorry, only 10 apiaries! Go play somewhere else if you like bees.

    3. Im well known to be an endgame achiever. My base is usually the most evolved on the server. If it takes up 4% of server ressources, thats because it has evolved. Normally only a few evolve that far. How about stupidjohn0815 that spawns hundres of mobs in his mobfarm without killing them off properly? I do the most to be server friendly with my builds, even contact mod authors about it. I even try to lower the impact by e.g. Mangum torches on shop | MineYourMind Community

    4. The pure rudeness of your staff is making me want play somewhere else. Is this the evolution of Aunddons "serve" mentality?

    5. Interactions. Even if my base may use up to 5% of the ressources. Im often the one who gives people what they need with the stuff i produce. Sometimes that might even stop them from setting up another ugly mobfarm that eats tps.

    Really guys, you handled this far better in the past. The current state and rudeness is making me turn away.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    deepcage, AlphaRue, 888leoj and 2 others like this.
  2. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    1.We never threatened to remove chugga's base we just asked him to make his base more efficient so that it doesn't use as much resources as it was and the threat was if he didn't we would have to make it more efficient. Deleting a players base is the ultimate last resort.

    2.i don't know bees but I don't know that the apiaries are the most tps draining item from that mod which is why there is a limit to the amount we want a player to have, because if everyone had as many as the wanted the server would be running at a low tps all the time.

    3.We thank you for helping other players and your idea for the magnum torches was very gratefully appreciated.

    4.I'm sorry if you feel like our staff members were rude to you , but you must understand that they were just trying to make the server fun for everyone by trying to find the items causing the lag and low tps.

    5.Again we thank you for being so helpful and giving items to the other players.

    I'm sorry if you feel like you want to leave but we were just trying to make the server the best we can for everyone and sadly your great base was causing some of the tps drop, but we are working hard on making sure that no more bases need to changed to raise the tps
  3. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    1. sorry this is just a lie. The threats were quite real.

    2. make tdt west, east and so on, you could do it in the past.

    3.+5. just my nature

    4. Only a few and either you have order to be d*heads like 1. or there are som real d*heads
    AlphaRue, 888leoj and chugga_fan like this.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ughh. Thanks for talking up with it. Looks like the bad tps is causing to get quite detailed about performance, though it is more than clear that most of it is due to entities.
    If it is around 4%, it might be high compared to other online players but far beyond a limit where deeper investigation is needed. E.g. we have single ag islands with 10-30%, when all chunks are summed up.

    We are currently testing some quite extreme entity tick changes on dw20 which we will probably carry over to tdt as they seem to have halved the entity tick rates.
  5. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    yeah ughh. theres still the player-driving-away nature of it.

    I for myself, dont have any reason to log in to mym anymore. You want to remove my base- okay- i allready saw that there are othes that have similar setups server wise but aren't so agressive on their players. Well its new year. Boom alot and ill see which server ill join tomorrow.
  6. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    I'm being honest with 1. We never threatened to remove his base the worse that was threatened was that we would remove his machines that were causing the most tps drop. But never would we remove his entire base.

    2. We are at the moment considering what would be the best option for that and if you have any ideas or input into this we would love to hear your suggestions here The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 | Performance | Page 7 | MineYourMind Community

    3 + 5.It's a great nature to have, I myself like to do things like this as well

    4. While I don't like the swearing I understand that your frustrated so I will ignore it, but some of the staff members may come across a bit strong but it's just the way they are. They are all amazing people and really friendly and it would be a shame for you too miss out on such a great staff
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    that's indu apiaries, ctacuk actually removed part of the base, we lost the ME because we were packing up the ME drives because we were trying to save them, and i've reported SINGLE blocks that mauled tps worse than all apiaries combined before the limit on them
  8. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Sorry again to say here thats wrong.

    An admin threatened Chugga to remove his chunks. not machines, chunks. Afaik he also removed stuff entirely before someone in chat askes him to put them in chests instead.

    Perhaps chugga could give more insight?
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, look almost the entire base was in 1 chunk, you were threatening to remove that one chunk, that equates to removing the entire base[DOUBLEPOST=1420068091,1420068024][/DOUBLEPOST]and ctcauk removed most of the industrial apiaries that contained tbh most of our diamond production and other high end bees, never got any of it back
    caithleen likes this.
  10. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Well I wasn't completely aware of what was going on as I wasn't there but if you had your entire base in a chunk then it was gonna cause tps drops. But you can't forget the rule
    it would have only been removed for that reason and no other. And the items would fall under the no refund policy, maybe next time spread your base out a little more so that it doesn't affect the server. You get claim blocks every vote and can buy more with your MyM's if you need them
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    when you live with 6 other players, and your players are lazy, and some rarely come online, and no refund policy? that's not a refund, thats removing my base, and i DEMAND a refund because 10 of those indu apairies i coulda placed right back down, because dec placed 10, but nope, gotta remove ALL of them
    888leoj and caithleen like this.
  12. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Its about how it is handled, not that it is handled.

    Also, with heavy modpacks, you have to expect resource problems. You dealed with it in the past. Like 4 Monster servers.

    This time, you just p*ss people off ... they will leave and not return if you do it well enough.
    888leoj and chugga_fan like this.
  13. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Demanding isn't gonna get you what you want, And by no refund policy I mean this Info - Refunds on lost items | MineYourMind Community
    And as i have said we only removed them because they were causing the tps to drop from 20 to 5 and lower
    cbrozak likes this.
  14. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    We had 8 people in the base sharing the items. We were tps heavy, but with help it could have been fixed.

    My first big build on horizons, was cluttered mess, didnt know better. Wires crossed all over. Cbrozak comes along and spends time looking it over, talking, testing wireing patterns, never once was there a threat of anything, just help to make my base more server friendly. No problems since.

    This is my first team build, alot of people did alot of things with little coordination of effort, it was all gogogogogo. Im sure with help we could have solved many of the issues, but its too late for that now.

    Im gonna set up a small spot with some bees and power and do just that, should be very server friendly. First time ever on MYM that im not so happy to be playing
  15. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    you simply dont get it. In real world scenarios with real customers you would be broke soon.

    That no refund policy i understand frm the point of how much work it can make for the staff. But its getting more a "haha, you dont get anything" policy on here.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    that tps drop is worse than when i was fooling around with DSs, and i well know that refund policy, and yes you can still get refunds, willi's refunded my inventory on monster due to a inv wipe glitch in sync[DOUBLEPOST=1420069454,1420068925][/DOUBLEPOST]@AlphaRue @888leoj @hansi132 @BKxSymptomz @The42ndDruid come give your opinion on this, and say what you know
  17. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    I agree that this was handled the wrong way but sadly it's happened now and can't be undone but it won't be happening again, I will personally step in and come and help with bases causing tps drops to avoid this situation happening again.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i tried to get the best of both worlds with lucid, lucid gave up on me saying NO to any fans for my OP grinder, and it was handled entirely by ctacuk who also said he got permission from the others to wipe the entire base CLEAN, one of the richest bases material wise being wiped CLEAN, all over a few apiaries and bc pipes and our 6 me drives and the enitre chunk
    888leoj likes this.
  19. 888leoj

    888leoj Well-Known Member

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    lemme correct you on one thing u can have alot more apiaries/alvearys just that u can only have 10 industrial ones since they and other gendustry machines eats alot of tps and therefore staff has decided to restrict the usage of them
  20. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:41 PM
    Well, IF i will play on this server anymore, we will see how 60 alvearies do compared to them...

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