Implemented Crashing in the end (krupt edition)

Discussion in 'ModSauce' started by krupterz, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    Local Time:
    4:50 AM
  2. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    4:50 AM
    wow really over an hour just to get my ass moved back into the overworld somewhere and there was admins on when i posted this, even the founders have been through.

    Now i'm getting to see why people leave mym.

    P.S.: i can't login with out crashing so any login attempts will have to be after i am moved.
  3. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    1:50 AM
    Calm down, Krupt... While the admins and moderators might be online, they've got a lot on their plates.
  4. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:50 AM
    over 4 hours wait to get moved from the end, i donated for this service... as for telling me to calm down strokend its a damn fine way to get told where to go and how fast to get there.
  5. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    As strokend has said there may be staff members online but we are not always available to help, and for another thing and @Administrator or @Founder are the only ones able to help you
  6. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    4:50 AM
    really?, could have fooled me there, only watched like 25 admins come and go and the founders a few times way earlier...
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    8:50 AM
    We don't even have 25 admins we have 5, all of which where busy fixing other servers with more severe problems
    Someone will get to it but you just need to be patient
  8. Kevlarkello

    Kevlarkello Well-Known Member

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    4:50 AM
    If it make you feel any better i get suck in the end all the time, i just switch to another modpack for a while or play a different game while i wait for a fix.

    oh, and FYI i'm also stuck in the end and i think i might also have a temple caller in my inventory too and could use a relocate to the overworld.

    With the Increase in the number of servers mod's and admins will need time to get everything running smoothly.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:50 AM
    If I read this I see not any reason why I should help you. We can't be online 24/7 we need to sleep, eat, work and many other things. If you see us online in the forum doesn't mean we are available to help you. Many staff members read the forum via the mobile phone on the work, so they are online but can't help you with a mobile phone. Others like me have the forum page open all the time if my computer is on, so if I'm afk or not reading the forum I'm still shown as online. Might be better to just remove the "Staff Online Now".

    Back to topic: I will remove HardcoreEnder Expansion now as the current version does have to many client and server crashes.

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