Slaughterhouse gives me a banned message when I try to place it. /banneditems still shows only rednet cable as banned. Without the slaughterhouse, I can't get pink slime, which means I can't get a laser drill precharger. Any ideas?
While we're on the subject, can we get an update to the /banned items list? There seem to be a lot of items that should be there but aren't.
No one never did a banenditems list for galaxy and we just copied the list from a other server over few days ago.
Update: HLGPlayer had a slaughterhouse from before the banned items list was updated. He spawned a pink slime for me, so my issue is resolved.
If it is banned for the same reason it is on TDT, it's because it causes alot of servercrashes I remember we banned it on TDT after the server had crashed alot in 3 different cases in less than a week