Resurrection chunk (un-)load and world save lag

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    the resurrection server has been up for quite some time and I did more or less know what is causing the excessive performance issue, though I didn't say anything yet. A moment ago I collected the confirmation on the issue from Xfel, so lets put it straight.

    We will not be able to do anything about it. There is no way around or a fix. The issue here is the gregtech ores being tile entities which ends up at 200k tile ents per player. DW20 is at around 4k per player.
    This amount of tile entity causes issue on chunk (un-)load and probably on saves, too.
    So the pack works on a server as long as only a very small amount of chunks are being loaded or unloaded.

    As there is no ultimate solution we have to live with it or end it. I do see the following options:
    1. enable white list, make everyone aware of the issue and tell them to travel slow and at a minimum especially during peak periods
    2. shut down the server and put up the world for download so everyone can play it without the movement of others killing the performance
    3. let it be - it is like it is
    There might be more and things can be combined, I don't want to predict any direction here, so think for your self, share your ideas and build your opinion.

    I'm a bit in tears that I might never be able to enjoy gregtech again on a server besides the legacy builds.

    As many players don't follow the forums, please share the topic in game and maybe talk about it in the general chat when the time seems right.
    Dr_Wine likes this.
  2. Mr_Gavitt

    Mr_Gavitt Active Member

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    This server is still not anywhere near as much of a lag fest as some that i've been on so I can deal with this, i'll go for option 3.
  3. Denash

    Denash New Member

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    Firstly thanks for the honest Slind as I can imagine the toughness of the decisions.

    Could you perhaps modify the topic as a vote to make the end figure easier to establish?

    My vote is no1, though it will probably end up bleeding to no 3 anyway.

    I'm no modpack expert but could Gregtech be removed without the need for a server reset? Or if so would that even fix the issue?

  4. Mr_Gavitt

    Mr_Gavitt Active Member

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    Almost the entire focus of this pack is gregtech, sure it has thaumcraft and twilight but its mainly gregtech, and since all gregtech packs of this version will lag we might as well try to be the best laggy greg server ;)
  5. Axxxxxon

    Axxxxxon New Member

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    With loading/unloading Gregtech ores as tile entities being the main reason for lag , we could minimize the number of loaded ores by generating the building/main world completely without ores. Even better would be to delete/replace all the ores from our already existing mainworld. I'm not sure if this is even possible.

    It would not heal all problems but since a lot of players are in their home base most of the time, it would help to reduce the #loaded tileentities.
    It would also cause some problems: Everyone would have to go to the Farmworld to find any ore at all, which is kind of annoying for new players. Farmworld /Nether/End/Twilight etc will still cause massive lag from fast moving players.
    Moorian and Slind like this.
  6. Denash

    Denash New Member

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    I rather like this idea assuming it's feasible, still good even if not :)
    Can perhaps through an admin only world anchor a small section of farm or normal world's chunks containing GT ores be constantly kept in a loaded state? Save lag would not be resolved but travel would not effect a constant load right?
    Slind likes this.
  7. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    I am pending between option 1 and 3.
    Also if Axxxxxon's suggestion is possible i would be for that.
  8. Mr_Gavitt

    Mr_Gavitt Active Member

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    I don't think thats possible without deleting the current world however, there is disabling all Gregtech ores that have ic2 versions since all ic2 items turn into gt ones your inventory, so at least most if not all ore will be regular ore and you can still get all the items you need.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I don't like opening up a vote which looks final. I do care about you think and you might have better ideas/options and often a good discussion opens things up for a better "solution"/plan.

    It is possible. While it isn't possible to be done at once, it is possible over days/weeks by scanning chunks from time to time. This could add a little overhead put with the customization we did already it shouldn't be much.
    Our system in place does create chunk snapshots, scans those async (doesn't affect server performance directly) and on hit replaces those blocks with air.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  10. muphet

    muphet New Member

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    so if issue is loading/unloading ores, then loaded chunks are not a problem as long as they stay loaded after player is offline. other way that i saw on different servers was pre-generating world with xx borders

    it's kinda weird that pack is generating so much entities, i've been testing many servers incl own with that modpack and entity generation never exceeded 8k/player even with few players online loading more then 16 chunks at given time..
  11. Denash

    Denash New Member

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  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Curious to know if this issue has been brought to gregs attention?
  13. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    Greg very much knows of this issue and has done nothing to fix it in any update he has dropped as of late, its sad but he wants to make his mod the only one for making tech on a server it seems, he has had plenty of history of making his mod semi-compatable with select few others so his work will shine.

    just my opinion from what i have seen from his past works and where he seems to be going for his current works.
  14. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    I'm totally in favor of axxxxxon's suggestion. If i need ore, i don't have any problems going to the mining dimension. I think the rule should be Go there to bulk mine - if you need 4 ingots, ask someone lol.
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    If your looking for a Greg Tech pack,
    Maybe try Beyond Reality. I believe they disabled GT ore gen and made it "normal"

    If not maybe wait till TPPI2 and see if they enable GT.

    Greg went insane with 1.7.10
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    how does gregtech work without its ores?
  17. Mr_Gavitt

    Mr_Gavitt Active Member

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    I mentioned something similar, there are very few ores that ic2 doesn't already have, we could disable the redundant ones and use the ic2 ores, all ic2 materials when in a players inventory turn into the gregtech ones so we can still make everything.
    Slind and SilentStar like this.
  18. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    If that would work, that would be awesome for all Ressurection players i guess. Seems to be a good idea.
    Mr_Gavitt likes this.
  19. DarkEffort

    DarkEffort New Member

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    The beyond reality is a really good pack, I would recommend pulling the FTB Ressurection and using Beyond reality. as beyond reality uses normal ore genration and is quite fun to play with, without being unbalanced.
  20. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I am with abrawlica if beyond reality has gregtech i am fine with it and if it has normal ore generation it will not cause trouble

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