Hi there! Here is my issue: I am currently vividly breeding bees, for that, i am using Scented Artificial Hives (as the title suggested), in a custom Biome (Extreme Hills) to obtain the attuned bee. However: it seems like this is NWAI (Not Working As Intended) and here is the reason why: In order to get the bee, you need to be near void (0 to 15), it needs to be an scented artificial hive, and it must not see the sky. For this i have set up the following: a 12*12 grid of stone, 2 layers with 3 blocks between them to set the hive. THe hive is in the middle so it wont see the sky. However, after 35 attemps, I still have no luck as to getting this bee. I tried it out in single player, here however it is working as intended (it processed correctly the very first moment). It is to my conclusion that this is an bug, and am hoping that this issue could be resolved as soon as possible, due to the fact the missing bee is keeping me now from advancing futher in beebreeding.
As I'm unfamiliar with the agrarian method of aquiring bees, I looked up the official ex-nihilo forum. (Compability->Forestry->Beeeees->Magical bees) The requirements do seem to be what you have setup. Must NOT be allowed to see the sky. Must be near the void below the world. Requires a MOUNTAIN type biome Is naturally more difficult to lure than the other species Just to be sure, try to block all air blocks above it. Oh, and what flowers do you have by the scented artificial hive?
1) It does not 2) Its on the 2, where the stone and dirt is on 1 3) Extreme Hills is a Mountain Biome 4) It is, but we tried it over 64 times to get it.[DOUBLEPOST=1423532828,1423430919][/DOUBLEPOST]Wish to expand upon this problem: The following bees DO work: Meadows Forest Modest Tropical Wintry and Marshy Any other bee wont work (including the ender bee etc)