i am currently having problems with the amount of claim blocks on the pixelmon server. i do not have the full amount. this may be due to my name change that i hastily jumped to, i have done another support ticket and had my donor tiers restored. i checked on the other server i play on the most -the dark trilogy- and all of my claimblocks still remain. i would appreciate your assistance greatly.
i have also noticed on the server that i am unable to create tickets, i get a message saying that a pre login is required but when the link is clicked it brings up a page where i am unable to create or do anything really. just some stats about tickets and staff. the second thing is that when i use the command /stats me it tells me that the player is not found.
did you use the ingame command to create the ticket mask? ocne you have done a ticket with status "in_creation" should pop up.
im not sure i get what you mean, i do /ticket and it says i need some kind of pre-login and it sends me to a website. i cant do anything on it
Type /ticket create a ticket /modreq create my ticket Either of these will get to you the correct page to continue creating your ticket
ok elemage here again, i still do not have my issue with the claim blocks on the pixelmon server worked out if it could please be fixed? the ticket problem is because of my name change from elemage_ to elemage. ive had the tiers restored to me and the only problem seems to be with the pixelmon server claim blocks. your assistance is much appreciated.