Implemented Advanced Golems Gone

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by SphericalHelix, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    Local Time:
    3:27 AM
    I realize that, for whatever reason, golems get slaughtered from time to time. I went AFK last night while they were working and didn't have a chance to put them back in a chest before I went offline. They are now gone. Normally I wouldn't mind recreating them, but I just paid the 2800 MYM to have my warp reset. I can provide all of the materials so I am not asking for a refund, I simply do not want to recraft all of it and gain back the heavy warp associated.

    What I need to get back are 4 advanced Flesh golems, and 4 alchemy animation cores.
  2. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    3:27 AM
    Secondary issue, semi-related. I bought the 2800 MYM Warp Reset, I got a confirmation that the server reset my warp, but it did not happen. I still have all of the warp effects I had before
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    9:27 AM
    If we would give you the golems back it will happen someday again.
  4. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    3:27 AM
    I understand that, however I always break them and put them in chests before I go offline for this reason. I lost many on Monster. Either way, I am done with Kami so the need is probably small now for them but it still sucks.

    I am hoping the warp thing is fixed though, as that got old and I did the purchase at spawn.

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