Implemented Claiming

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by il0v3tweakS, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    Local Time:
    12:31 PM
    I've started playing Infinity modpack few days ago. I did a small claim and invited some people to join. The problem is that a certain player did make a claim nearby and did not add us. (me and 2 other people) Now, he hasn't been on for 3 days and I can't use tinker's tools and I can't get wood from my farm or place water in my claim or use drums or chisel without going 100 blocks away. He claimed a damn fkn portal. I've already asked the staff to remove that claim because I built another portal and I can repay him. I can't do much around it! !!!! And it's anoying. Why is it so hard to remove a claim that works as griefing ?
  2. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    10:31 AM
    We can't remove claims unless the player has either given us permission or has a claim that's basically has nothing in it. Another reason we will remove them is if the player has been offline for an extended period of time aswell but I will come at look at the claim when I come on infinity and see if there is any reason to remove it
    il0v3tweakS likes this.
  3. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    12:31 PM
    It is too close.(2-3 blocks away from mine) I did trust hime but he didn't do the same for his portal. It is too anoying.
  4. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    10:31 AM
    Which infinity is this on ? Node 1, 2 or 3[DOUBLEPOST=1424720693,1424719778][/DOUBLEPOST]Never mind I found it on node 2[DOUBLEPOST=1424720779][/DOUBLEPOST]As for the claim I have removed it as it looks like the player placed it as a troll as he placed a chest for an auto claim and then has not logged on since.
  5. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    Local Time:
    12:31 PM
    Problem solved. Done. Thank you.

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