Done Warp Reset

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by SphericalHelix, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    I posted in another thread but didn't get a response and it was marked Done so I am opening a new case. I bought the Server Warp Reset at spawn on Node 1 and got a successful message in the chat that Server had reset my warp. It didn't actually do so, as I still have all of the effects of warp I had all along. Can this be looked at? I don't really want the MYM back, I would really like to be free of the warp effects.

  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Node 1?

    hmm the sign is running the same command as on dark trilogy where it worked. I'll give you the mym's back so you can try again. If it doesn't work we need to see further. In case you wanna look into it your self a bit the command we run is: /thaum warp <player> set 0 PERM
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  3. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    Yeah, Node 1. Thanks for the help.
  4. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Did you do any research after you removed the effects? My understanding is this will cause them to come back.
  5. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    No, no research, and no infusion of items that cause warp that I know of. The only items made in Thaum after doing the reset were the awakened ichorium armor pieces.
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    /thaum warp <player> set 0 PERM
    Wait, there are 2 kinds of Warp.
    Permanent, which is removed here, and Temporary warp as well.

    Temporary warp has its own value, which will decrease over time.
    Might be good to add:
    /thaum warp <player> set 0 TEMP
    As well
  7. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    I am getting hammered with perm effects too, I believe. Sun Scorned, Unnatural Hunger, Thaumarhia, Eldritch Guardian/Fog, Mind Spiders
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    does anyone know for sure if they are perm ?
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The effects does not matter about wetter it is perm warp or temp.

    The perm warp is usually set at a specific level and should not normally be able to drop. This is gained by researching items from the thauminamamamicon.

    The temp warp level is raised by actually doing things, such as creating advanced golems or the arcane furnace.

    IF the player is having warp issues, thaumcraft has a BUILT IN MECHANIC to remove temp warp. This is called the arcane spa. Jumping in the arcane spa will provide a 30 minute-ish of "warp ward", completely blocking all effects of warp.

    For those under effect of warp can use the soap to remove all current warp effects.

    Removing perm warp levels breaks the checks and balance built into the mod.

    Having a sign a spawn to remove TEMP warp is enough. As we are having an issue with crashing with warp effects, a sign (only until the crash issue is resolved) selling 30min of warp ward would also be considered acceptable.

    Preferable both signs would be removed as soon as the crashing with warp effects resolved.[DOUBLEPOST=1424922664,1424922601][/DOUBLEPOST]The effects are caused by the total level of warp, not by if it is temp or perm.
  10. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    The server has a sign charging 2800 MYM to wipe all effects of warp. That is what I purchased and it did not work. Also, not everyone agrees that the warp effects are a balance, they are overwhelmingly annoying. Lastly, the arcane spa and soap only remove extremely low level effects and very briefly.
    bobthepig2 likes this.
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The only reason we have that sign at this time is because some of the warp effects can cause you to crash and not be able to join.

    The spa will prevent ALL effects for up to 30min. Using the soap will increase the effectiveness.

    I am sorry that the sign did not work as you intended. Please be advised that removing warp with the sign will remove as much warp as is possible, you are still going to have warp, and the effects are still possible, just less likely to happen.

    All Ichor infusions cause TEMP warp to increase.
  12. SphericalHelix

    SphericalHelix New Member

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    FYI- this is definitely broken. I saved up and bought the warp reset without a refund as talked about earlier. I did nothing except /home and sit there and within a few minutes had Thaumarhia and Eldritch Guardians.

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