Implemented About different recipes of machines

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by il0v3tweakS, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    2:08 PM

    I've been working quite a bit on my Infinity house. I built few machines for doubling the ores and I got few questions:

    1. There are different things about pulverizer. You can craft it with different machines frames. Doest it affect performance? I mean, higher machine frames are better? There are also few upgrades.(signalum,enderium,fused glass,etc) Do they improve performance? What about any upgrades ? Under the energy level bar is a small square. What is it for ?

    2.Is it any method of tripling the ores?

    3. Is it worth to get draconium equipment ?

    Thank you. Sorry for any bad English.
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    8:08 AM
    1) They allow upgrades slots to upgrade the machines to make them faster
    2) Not that I know of but could be
    3) I've heard it is
  3. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    The SAG-mill, with dark steel balls have a ~3.25x rate of ore processing, if compared to Ore:Ingot values.
    SAG-mill without any grinding upgrades have a flat 2x rate on most ores, and ~2.75 I believe when equipped with flint.
    Remember, the SAG-mills ore processing will almost never give the same amount, as it has a chance to give you a second output as well, so you might get 2 iron dust + 1 iron dust in it, due to said chance of second output.
    The mentioned upgrades, flint and dark steel grinding balls raises the chances of getting the second output, the latter more than the former, but has a running cost, as they are broken down, and need to be re-applied.

    So far, my draconium armour has not let anything hurt me at all.
    I believe nothing but the pure void is able to kill me when I am equipped with the armour, and it is charged.
  4. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    2:08 PM
    Well, thank you for answering. I had a basic pulverizer and I upgraded it all the way to resonant. It is somehow faster but I still can't put any capacitor in that slot, under the energy bar. Are there other Ender IO upgrades that I don't know ?
  5. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    1:08 PM
    Pulverizer isn't ender io. You have to make the Thermal Expansion "augments". At the right of the GUI there is a tab that says "augments".
  6. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    Local Time:
    2:08 PM
    Oh my bad. Thank you bro.

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