Implemented Jet pack gone

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by JoniLP_HD, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. JoniLP_HD

    JoniLP_HD New Member

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    Local Time:
    10:47 PM
    I Play on the Infinity Server Node 3 and today i craft me a Advandced Electric Jetpack from IC2. But then a blue Creeper with a Head Band explod behind me and i was portet 10 blocks behind the block who the crepper exploded. But after this my jetpack was missing in my Inventory. I search at the hole place for my jetpack, but it was not there! So i ask a mod and he say it is a Glitch! I want my Jetpack back :) because i spend 4 hours in this jetpack and a lot of resources.
    My MC Name is JoniLP_HD
    Pls give me my Jetpack back!
    PS: Sry i don't can write in English so good, because i'm german.
    Lg Jonas
  2. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    4:47 PM
    In game, and checking this out.

    ---- Results

    The last instance of this jetpack being active within a 50 block radius was when the player put it into another inventory (probably a bag, or into his armor slot). Player claims a tele-creeper exploded and teleported him - I found nothing in the logs to indicate this happened at the locations he indicated (player indicated he was unsure exactly where it was). Unless additional, accurate information is provided, I've got nothing. :( Marking this as Closed unless further information comes to light.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  3. savagenoob

    savagenoob New Member

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    1:47 PM
    I posted a similar experience on the TDT server a couple weeks back... I have lost 4 gravisuit chest's in this fashion. I will be willing to make one and give it to an admin to test
    MrWisski likes this.
  4. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    UGH. *facepalm* right, you hadn't charged the jetpack up. OK, this is a known bug with gravisuite stuff and some of the quantum armor - if it takes damage, and hits zero charge, it goes poof (as if it had zero durability and was used up). This is an issue with those mods (IC2 and Gravisuite) - and it seems it STILL hasn't been fixed yet.

    I'm sorry, but there's nothing to be done regarding this. I'm sorry that I didn't connect the "not charged" to the "taking damage". My only suggestion is to post this to the mods forums/github with a bug report (though they probably are already aware, as this is an issue)
    chugga_fan likes this.
  5. savagenoob

    savagenoob New Member

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    1:47 PM
    This wasnt the case either, they were not at 0 charge. They werent 100 but not 0. Feel free to hop on and I'll throw a gravi your way to test, although Im sure its the same bug. Only suggestion is dont get hit while wearing one lol
  6. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    4:47 PM
    i mean, honestly, this would be the domain of the mod developer - feel free to test it out yourself in single player, and report results to the guys who wrote the mods. It still doesn't change the no-refund policy. :(
  7. JoniLP_HD

    JoniLP_HD New Member

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    10:47 PM
    Ok also my Jetpack bug away because of a wrong writen mod :) But why i don't become it back although we know that is it a bug? :( This is not fair!
  8. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    4:47 PM
    We have a strict No-Refund policy. This policy is applied to everyone, equally.
  9. JoniLP_HD

    JoniLP_HD New Member

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    10:47 PM
    It is a bad policy, I don't have enough ressources to craft me a new advandced Jetpack :(
  10. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    It's the only policy that can work on a network this large, I'm afraid. If it makes you feel any better (which it probably doesn't), I can verify that NOONE has gotten ANYTHING refunded that was lost (not even a staff member!). It's just not feasible on a network the size of MyM, with SO many players passing through.

    Also, on resurrection, I lost full Quantum Armor with gravichest, and max enchants, to a grave bug. There was nothing to be done. T_T It was painful rebuilding everything, but I managed.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
    JacaRoe likes this.

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