Infinity - Agricraft Config

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Zxirl, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:31 AM
    Change :
    B:"Enable weeds"=true​
    B:"Enable weeds"=false​

    Wall of text; more explanation:
    I have recently moved away from tech to start with some of the agriculture/nature related mods. I learned that Agricraft adds some amazing mechanics to plants that work similar to bee traits (ex: fastest production trait [bee] = gain 10 [seed]). However, it is currently near-impossible to achieve new seed mutations because weeds are so insanely bugged.

    The specific issue is that to get a new mutation you need 2 normal crops (ex: wheat seeds + carrot seeds). You would place them in series like this [X][O][Z] (X = wheat O= Nothing Z= Carrots). Normally, there would be a chance for the mutation to grow in slot O. However, weeds will instantly grow and it makes it impossible to get mutations. Even physically sitting there and watching your crops and breaking the weeds isn't possible, they grow that fast.

    Now before anyone goes and argues because it seems that some people on here would rather do so than have an issue fixed. I have done the research/testing. I know how the mechanics work. So.. "OMG JUST GET STRENGTH 10 TRAIT AND THE SEED WON'T DIE TO WEEDS" isn't going to fly. I've tried increasing seed traits, and mutating new ones. Both use very similar mechanics with slight modifications, and neither process is possible with weeds being enabled. So if you want to argue, do the testing in game, on the infinity pack v.1.2.1. Don't go throwing links around.

    TLDR : Weeds are bugged with this current version of Agricraft and grow way too fast making it near-impossible to increase traits on seeds / collect new seed mutations.

    Additional info: The "crop" sticks that plants are grown on are a reworked version of ic2 crop sticks. They are not the same, and are not affected by the ic2 item: weed-ex. There is currently no mechanic implemented to prevent/kill weeds.
  2. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    1:31 AM
    I stood and watched a part of this gentleman's test. He would drop a stick, and darn near instantly there would be weeds. I definitely feel that there is something buggy going on here, like someone mistook Tick for Second in the chances for weed frequency.
    Zxirl likes this.
  3. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:31 AM
    Seems like a reasonable request. I am slowly working my way through each mod, and I'd like to learn agri some day. At least until the mod is updated to fix that bug.

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