Hello, After a restart, my client crashed. When I started it back up again and tried to log into the server, it crashed again. It took 2 re-installs before it would let me log on, but when I did, the strangest thing happened. I can play normally, moving and breaking, but nothing in chat works. It says "You do not have permission to talk on Direwolf20". Every command I type it says that I don't have permission. Has anyone else experienced this glitch?
the servers are having technical problems at the moment. they are being looked upon by staff. Basic gameplay in a few servers is possible but some things such as commands arent avaiable at the moment
cant tell for sure but it being fixed as fast as possible just sit tight and in the meanwhile feel free to explore the forums
yea servers are slowly going back up but when they are back up some of the plugins wont be working properally but this all getting worked on. and to get notification on what is happening keep an eye on the head post on the forms