Implemented Infinity - Runic Dungeons Portal Bug Fixed(?)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Kazerius, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Kazerius

    Kazerius Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:57 PM
    As part of the Infinity update leap we just completed, Runic Dungeons updated to a version where supposedly the server crash on breaking the portal has been fixed. Can this be tested and, if properly fixed, can we be allowed to break our runic portals?

    Hadn't seen anything said about this so I figured I'd bring it portal's not too horribly located...but I would love to move it one day...

    From the Infinity 1.3.0 changelog:

    Updated Runic Dungeons 1.0.6b - 1.1.0
    • Added
      • Runic Bricks
      • 3x3 and 5x5 portals
      • Config to allow rooftop access to dungeon
      • Config option for chalk to generate in normal dungeon chests
    • Changed
      • How much of the dungeon generates
      • Guardians have a higher chance of dropping amulets
      • EnderIO Powered Spawners can no longer spawn Dungeon Guardians
      • EnderIO Soul Vials can no longer capture Dungeon Guardians
      • MFR AutoSpawners can no longer spawn Dungeon Guardians
      • MFR Safari Nets can no longer capture Dungeon Guardians
      • MFR Grinders can no longer kill Dungeon Guardians
    • Fixed
      • Server crash on breaking portal
      • Amulet effect times
      • Config files being derpy
      • Amulets not working correctly
      • Portal creation
      • Chalk not generating correctly
  2. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:57 PM
    Time to test :vamp:

    Edit: Can confirm after testing. Breaking the portal no longer crashes the server.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  3. Kazerius

    Kazerius Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:57 PM
    Wait how did you break it!? I tried the other day and I couldn't even break the block... Then I read the forum post saying it crashed the server and assumed they blocked the ability to break them. I smell a ninja!
  4. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    no, i believe the blocks can not be broken by normal means, as you've noticed, they're made of Unbreakable Runic Dungeon Bricks. The fact that Staff of Power could break them has to do with how DE does the AOE mining. If Constructl0n can break the bricks, then the Staff of Power AOE can still remove portals - its just the mod author removed the crash that used to happen when you did so ;)

    This is nothing on MyM's side - all the mod authors! :D
  5. Kazerius

    Kazerius Well-Known Member

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    8:57 PM
    Ah, should have guessed it was just broken DE that caused it to be an issue to fix in the first place. Quite silly you can remove them on their own though no? Oh well, guess my post was irrelevant ...except now we know it is fixed! Yay (Con)! I'll close it. Good job MrW, we'll give you credit for this. ;)

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