Done Base griefed by server?

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by CalusV, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. CalusV

    CalusV New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:26 PM
    Hey guys

    Sorry to be back with another request so soon, but I fear the server might be struggling with some bad chunks at my base. From yesterday to today it seems to have changed 5 of the chunks in my base. I say changed because some were reverted while others were straight up changed.


    Chunk 1: Workshop Chunk - x:2139, y:59, z:-2508
    Here it duped a gasoline engine and a grinder that I moved down in the workshop to start a lubrication factory. Looks like this chunk has been reverted by around 16 hours. Minor issue, leaving duped machines for your investigation.

    Chunk 2: Kitchen Chunk - x: 2137, y:64, z: -2503
    This chunk also seems to be reverted by around 16 hours. The farm spots in the back room got reverted even though I moved them, the stove and water sink were moved back even though I moved them to the other side of the room. Minor issue.

    Chunk 3: Underground Farm Chunk - x:2135, y:53, z: -2471
    This chunk also seems to be reverted around 16 hours. The new farms I set up are missing, half the staircase down is cut off straight at chunk border. Revert ate my wooden gathering golem and gold reinforced chest, as well as a pair of ender lillies and various crops.

    Chunk 4: Arboterum Chunk - x:2154, y:69, z: -2504
    Also reverted around 16 hours of modified blocks, killed animals downstairs, and ate 2 magic trees, 1 greatwood tree, 1 silverwood tree and 16 quartz staircases. You can see it cut it straight at the chunk border as the greatwood tree in the neighbouring chunk is cut straight off at the middle.

    Chunk 5: Mystery Chunk - x:2154, y:70, z: -2473
    This chunk is the strangest of the lot. Here it has dug into the mountain, even though I did not build the mountain. the whole chunk seems to be modified and willows have been placed a block above ocean level, even though this used to be a mountainside. The neighbouring chunks at shrubland and woodland on each side, except for one overgrown beach chunk diagonally across. It looks like this chunk has been recreated as an overgrown beach chunk, even though I'm pretty sure it used to be shrubland? It's quite apparent the mountain has been cut into straight at chunk border.


    I had MrRoo come check it out and try to advise, he suggested I make this post as this was way too much for a ticket to handle.

    Hope you guys get a chance to look into it and some feedback if I should just start fixing stuff or if you need to investigate.

    Thank you.

  2. CalusV

    CalusV New Member

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    Local Time:
    5:26 PM
    Slind came around and rebuilt the mountain and refunded ender lillies, I consider this incident closed if you do. :) Thank you for the help.
    Slind likes this.

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