Good morning My Game keeps crashing when i click on a linking book to go to farm age.... (empty handed) The game is running. Please wait. [05:54:21] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loadin -
I've had this same problem. All I've been able to do is break the stand/pedestal it's on and wait for an entity wipe, or have an admin destroy it. If it's in your inventory, that's even better, because then you can void/burn/cactus it. I highly recommend always keeping a hard copy of the coordinates the book links to, and a waypoint. As far as why this happens, I'm not totally sure, but I strongly suspect that the cause may be related to the same thing that causes claims in the farm world to have funny dimensions. I've check out the logs when my linking books crash me, and it usually indicates to it not being able to find the dimension--probably an artifact of how we handle farm worlds on the server. Not much to do there
I have found that the books crash me unless I use the Crystals that are in the market and make a portal