My island was stolen and griefed heavily by an uninvited jetpacker. He stole the ME drives, alot of food, broke anything bee related, took the smeltery, and generally caused alot of trouble. The Username was ZanCrowHD. Neither me nor my friend Domatiz invited him to the island. Please help!!
He also took some auto activators.[DOUBLEPOST=1428160674,1428160510][/DOUBLEPOST]and some blood magic stuff and he let some of our livestock out
Hello Doms Please type /ticket in game and fill out a report. A staff member can more easily help you then.
Currently in Agrarian Skies, there is no way for a person to fly to your island and get your items unless you trust them to your island. So if you have any proof that hey bypassed the island protection then please provide that.
@MageGod2234 a player can fly to another players island no problem and the only way a player can break your island is 1 of 3 ways. They were trusted and we can't do anything about it as it's classed as a player to player dispute. 2. If your island was inactive for 2-4 weeks your island region would have been deleted and the offender can take it no problem Again very little we can do. Or 3 This is a bypass of protection and we will have to look into this further with any evidence you can provide.
I know of those ways, but *all of the protection bypasses. I was saying that there was virtually no way for a person to get the things from the island without the island leader trusting that person. It's almost impossible. Sadly, we don't have any way to tell if someone flew to that island because there isn't Prism on the AG servers.
Could have been a luggage. While the luggage cannot, itself, loot blocks, it can pick up any item entities lying around. If the user had a way of bypassing protection to break blocks, they would be able to have their luggage grab the items. Or, if they could somehow bypass protection with direct access, they could get right into the inventories, themselves. Did Domatiz have rights to trust other players? If so, it could be that he trusted a fourth party, who then assisted ZanCrow.
They shouldn't be able to bypass protection because the items used to do so are banned from being crafted/used in islands that you're not trusted in.
Quick response >.> I was editing the post a bit. If Domatiz trusted or even invited a fourth player, then that fourth player could have invited or trusted Zancrow to it. What about signs? I know that the signs at spawn act as non-claimed zones, maybe signs on islands have the same effect.
There is no fourth player in this scenario. Doms3Pugs said neither he nor Domatiz invited someone to the island. Meaning there was only two people on the island. The third person was "uninvited", as he said, but we have no way of seeing if there was even the third person. How do you know it was ZanCrowHD? Did you or your friend log in on him doing it? And if so, do you have screenshots of him taking things?