Monthly credits

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ShadowWolf_Beast, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    10:44 PM
    Guys It would be awesome if tier 1 got like 50 creds motnhly and the next got 75 tier 3 got 100 tier 4 got 250 and tier 5 got 500 every month! This would make me buy tier 4
  2. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    What if we did a credit subscription and a 1 time credit reward for tier upgrades
  3. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    10:44 PM
    Explain the credit subscription in more detail please :p You mean pay 25 dollers and get mothly creds for a year? or lifetime?
  4. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    No I mean a set price of $$$ a month and then you get *** credits but your money would come out once a month to get the credits
  5. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    10:44 PM
    I would prefer the monthly thing but if its a decent deal then I would consider buying it from time to time.
  6. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I will bump this to the appropriate level @Founder
  7. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    10:44 PM
    Thanks XD
  8. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    9:44 PM
    If I might give my personal opinion,

    Here below is a (poorly and quickly created) image of the current costs for Ranks and/or Credits.
    The problem I see with the original suggestion of getting 50 credits as tier 1, 75 as tier 2, 100 as tier 3, 250 as tier 4, and 500 as tier 5. Is as tier 1 you'd have to wait a total of two months before getting even a simple kit for a mod. Which you'd probably in that time have been able to make. Tier 5's would be getting way to many credits and most of the time tier 5's are dedicated enough to where they wouldn't even buy a kit and progress through the game as usual. Getting credits per month for the rest of your time would pretty much ruin the option to buy credits and also be somewhat pointless. Here's a quick breakdown I've thought of.
    • A small amount of people would be more inclined to buy a rank, however many wouldn't even know to be honest.
    • Credits would be more common and donators would be able to use them for kits or claimblocks on a monthly basis.
    • In the span of a month people will have progressed enough in the game where they'll no longer need credits for kits.
    • Depending on how tickets are given by tier of rank it would injure the credit purchase system.
    • I assume it would be a hassle(not for Slind of course) to create it to where credits are given at a set date each month.
    • Prices would have to be re-balanced to account for these monthly credits.
    Now on the idea of a monthly credit subscription. Simply that would over complicate things and could even become a problem to some purchases with issues of cancellation and what not. I think currently to just purchase however many credits (from the options) you want and when you want to receive them is the most efficient system.

    My last comment would have to be to suggest as SilentBane somewhat brought up, a '1 Time Credit Reward'. This eliminates the need to be given credits monthly or to pay a subscription to buy more. I think it may be beneficial and more persuasive to potential donators if with each rank one of the perks is a set amount of credits which will be received upon that donation. Enough to atleast give a few options of kits but not to where they'll be able to buy each kit available.

    This would be the most beneficial thing I could see to players and the server because if someone is a few credits off from another kit from this '1 Time Credit Reward' they may also be persuaded to perhaps buy the 80 Credit package banking another 2.50Euro from a simple boost.
    Thank you for your time reading, and goodluck to the suggestion.​

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