Done Graves not giving everything?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by iCallHaxx, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. iCallHaxx

    iCallHaxx New Member

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    5:19 PM
    With my latest adventures with the lag of Infinity Node 1 i have discovered that sometimes during high lag times, graves don't give you everything back. This time it included an owlets wing. Something that i worked roughly 13 hours (because of the lack of wolves and low resources) and need to get it back. Usually I don't care about losing a few things being lost but this one is really important, i can't handle losing it and all the time that went into it. So please look into the graves not giving everything back, and hopefully you'll see it in your heart to give me that one thing back. I've had to put up with a lot of problems with this server and my streaming but have done it to continue to promote the server... Sorry for the speech, just a little ticked off...

    - LegenDairy_TV "Infinity Node 1"
  2. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    If it is that important to you I can give you a wing. Just msg me when we're both online.

    Ps: I'm doing this 1 time and 1 time only.
  3. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    I'm sorry to hear that this happened but you know that we want to be fair so we have a no item refund policy.

    When you say the grave didn't give you everything back? So that means that you got some items?
    I would love to hear if you still remember the whole story. What happened before, where was it? All the details you can remember.

    I'm try to get as much info as possible on grave issues because they are very rare or people don't report it. So we can find out the problem and fix as soon as possible.

    Also can you please read out this thread and see if it has any resemblance with your situation?

    Thank you in advance!
  4. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    iCallHaxx I feel your pain. I died last night on N4 and when I broke my grave I lost my belt of flight, my thaum google helmet and a few other items. While mine were not as important as yours I can confirm that sometimes we dont get all of our stuff back.
  5. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    Was it also laggy at the time you dug up your grave Flibberdee?
  6. iCallHaxx

    iCallHaxx New Member

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    5:19 PM
    The linked forum has no correlation with what has happened to me. I was going to the nether for some quick lava. I open the portal and step through. I get into the nether and a major lag spike happens. I type /tps and wait for it to show up. About 30 seconds later, while still standing in the portal I die. I spawn and the lag spike is over, tps was at 3.82 if i recall correctly. I read the death notification and it was a creeper that had killed me (probably went through the portal last time it was open?) I then go back into the nether and find my grave a few blocks away from the portal, I break it and another spike happens. Two minutes go by before I pick up my items. When i do, i re-equip my belt of flight, and re-organize my inventory, realizing i had lost my food, the wing, and a few other un-important things (string, spider eyes) and asked what could be done through chat, they said to make a forum post, and here we are.

    And thank you Common, i will definitely message you if i see both of us on, i really appreciate it.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
  7. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    1:19 AM
    Well the problem is that you teleported, and then the grave had problems, that's what is causing problems as it seems.
  8. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    How close to the portal was the grave? It's possible some of the items got sucked through to somebody else's base. That can happen, right?
  9. AdrianVaughan

    AdrianVaughan Patron Tier 1

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    12:19 AM
    And it might have been more than 1 creeper if that is the case one had blown you up and if the other exploded then some of your items might of got caught in the blast area before the grave formed.
  10. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    5:19 PM
    Is that even possible? I would think the game has "keep inventory" on due to the mod, and simply copy-pastes the inventory to the grave before deleting it.

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