Dear Staffmembers I would like to have a removal of a claim which prevents me from expanding my own claim. The claim i am talking of, belongs to a player who was last seen online 66 days ago. There is no visual building there (except for a crafting table) so, i thought there might be a way to give my expansion clearance ^^ Coords: x3206 / z1621 .... marked with green colored stone. best regards grinch
For some reason this doesn't give me an alert @chugga_fan @Slind any idea why? I get the alerts when staff tag Co-Admins[DOUBLEPOST=1430222280][/DOUBLEPOST]Claim has been removed and area has been regenerated. 28/04/15 12:57 GMT+0. Also the retro-gen has changed the biome, but I'm sure this is not much of an issue for you. Marking as done. Have a nice day
thx a lot [DOUBLEPOST=1430223056][/DOUBLEPOST]oh ... and dear @AdrianVaughan ... i was told by a mod that this is the proper procedure which i patiently followed ... but for the future i will not mind making a ticket first (or both) ^^