Done flight in overworld

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies 2' started by dystrophe, May 1, 2015.

  1. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    2:47 PM
    on the non player islands that are there anyway, the ones without protection - it's possible to mine stuff from - figure it would be wise to let you guys know (i put it back honest)
    Auvreaeath and JamesYong like this.
  2. Talreason

    Talreason Well-Known Member

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    We are very aware of this, but its considered griefing/stealing even if the chunk/island is abandoned.
  3. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    seems like the wrong term, when the player doesn't exist x..x I'd think frowned heavily upon would be better >..> but that's just me
  4. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    3:47 PM
    I think the title is a little strange from the topic, but then I suppose it does require flight to get to these places in order to do the act.

    Under the rules for Anti-Grief we see this,
    • Negative behaviour (Griefing, Theft...) will not be tolerated
    Personally I'd almost have to agree with you Dystrophe, if the player does not exist is it really griefing? It's causing no one harm. True, however I'm curious if that island is destroyed or altered, if someone is assigned it will the blocks remain the same? Because if so then I could understand how it could be considered griefing and thus would break that rule.

    Also, under the rules for Server we can see this,
    • Abuseing bugs or exploits will be prosecuted.
    You could argue that this is a bug, and that's how I see it. The Modpack was designed for a single team, one island in a world. However we have our fancy plugins to assist with multiplayer compatibility. However the protection feature while it should be protecting every island because that is how the Modpack was developed is unable to do so, and thus I think it should be viewed as a bug.


    All in all, I think this should be properly addresses immediately to get any confusion out of the way and to prevent any further events from happening until this may get fixed.
  5. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    2:47 PM
    yeah.. cause at the point we have flight we don't really need anything anymore x..x if i wanted a magnum torch i could make one, if i wanted a lily pad i could grow a jungle tree and throw vines into a mana pool with an alchemical stone beneath it[DOUBLEPOST=1430709053][/DOUBLEPOST]it's more of a bug that the islands exist , cause they shouldn't if they aren't another players and yet they do
    Auvreaeath likes this.

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